Psychological profiling of suspects

Autor: Šepul, Andraž
Přispěvatelé: Areh, Igor
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: Profiliranje je metoda kriminalističnega preiskovanja, ki se uporablja za preiskovanje težjih, predvsem serijskih kaznivih dejanj, kot so spolni delikti, umori, ropi in tatvine, požigi, terorizem in novodobna oblika spletnih kaznivih dejanj, imenovana ʺcyber crimeʺ. V diplomski nalogi bomo spoznali profiliranje, za lažje razumevanje pa bomo najprej predstavili forenzično psihologijo, izhodišče metode profiliranja. Izraz forenzična psihologija predstavlja vse poglede psihologije, ki se nanašajo na pravno in kriminalistično področje. V začetku naloge bomo spoznali mejnike v razvoju in delitev forenzične psihologije, posebno pozornost pa bomo namenili eni od njenih vej – preiskovalni psihologiji, katere ključni člen je profiliranje. V osrednjem delu naloge bomo spoznali razvoj profiliranja in zvrsti, na katere se deli zaradi obsega obravnavanih podatkov ter različnih pristopov in pogledov na preiskovanje določenega kaznivega dejanja. Spoznali bomo pozitivne in negativne lastnosti metode in možnosti, ki jih ponuja preiskovalcem. Pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj profiliranje ni prvo uporabljeno orodje. Po navadi se vključi, ko preiskovalci zaidejo s poti ter nimajo potrebnih sledi in dokazov za nadaljevanje preiskave, njegov glavni namen pa je zoženje kroga osumljencev, pomoč pri vrednotenju dokazov in pričanj ter svetovanje pri izdelavi strategije nadaljnjega preiskovanja. V zadnjem delu naloge pa sledi nekaj odmevnih primerov serijskih kaznivih dejanj, pri katerih je bilo v preiskavo vključeno profiliranje in vključevanje profiliranja v novodobne oblike kriminala. Profiling is a criminal investigative method, used for investigating tough, mostly serial crimes, such as sexual offenses, murders, robberies and thefts, arsons, torrorism and the new age forms of cyber offenses called ʺcyber crimeʺ. We will examine profiling throughout the thesis, but for easier understanding, we will firstly examine forensic psychology, the starting point of profiling method. Forensic psychology represents all psychology views pretaining law and criminal fields. In the beginning of thesis we will examine the milestones in the development and partition of forensic psychology and we will give special attention to a branch of forensic psychology called investigative psychology, which profiling is the key element of. In the middle part of thesis we will examine the evolution of profiling and different branches that separate profiling becouse of the amount of data that this method examines and becouse of different types of approaches and overviews on investigating certain types of offenses. We will see the positive and the negative sides of profiling and the possibilities that this method offers to the investigators. In and offense investigation profiling is not the first tool that the investigators use, it is usually brought into the investigation when investigators hit a dead end and have no more clues or evidence to go on, and the main use for profiling in elimination of suspects from the investigation, helping with evaluation of evidence and testimonies of witnesses and consulting with the investigators about the strategy of further investigation. In the last part, we will examine a few noticable serial crime cases, where the investigations included profiling and introdution to a new age form of crime.
Databáze: OpenAIRE