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Na odnos ljudi do živali vpliva več dejavnikov, kot so: spol, starost, socialno-ekonomski status, stopnja izobrazbe in kulturne izkušnje. Populacija sive vrane se je v zadnjem času močno povečala zato nas je zanimalo, kakšen odnos imajo ljudje do sive vrane. Zastavili smo si dve široki raziskovalni vprašanji: kateri dejavniki vplivajo na namero ljudi in ali obstajajo razlike v poznavanju vran, v mnenjih o sobivanju vran in človeka, v sprejemljivosti ukrepov za upravljanje z vranami in v čustvih do vran glede na spol, starost, stopnjo izobrazbe, območje bivanja, negativne izkušnje z vranami, članstvo v društvu za proučevanje in opazovanje ptic, lastništvo ali skrbništvo domače živali in glede na članstvo v lovskem društvu. Raziskovanje smo izvedli s spletnim vprašalnikom, ki je zajel 1045 anketirancev. Ugotovili smo, da na poznavanje vran vplivajo samoprepričanja o sposobnosti ločevanja med različnimi vrstami vran, čemur pa ne moremo zaupati. Na mnenja ljudi o sobivanju vran in človeka vplivajo predvsem negativne izkušnje ter članstvo v lovskem društvu. Spol na mnenja vpliva zelo malo. Na sprejemljivost ukrepov vplivajo predvsem negativne izkušnje in članstvo v društvu za opazovanje ptic. Spol, stopnja izobrazbe in članstvo v lovskem društvu vplivajo zelo malo. Na čustva do sive vrane vplivajo negativne izkušnje s sivo vrano. Vsi dejavniki ne prispevajo vedno enako k nastanku namere vedenja. Oblikovali smo model po Ajzenu, vendar s pomočjo multiple regresije nismo dobili rezultatov, s katerimi bi lahko dokazali, da izbrani dejavniki vplivajo na namero, da bi ljudje podpisali peticijo proti ukrepom za zmanjševanje števila vran ali, da bi pri izvedbi ukrepov, za zmanjševanje števila vran, sodelovali tudi sami. There are a many factors that affect peoples’ attitude towards animals such as: age, socioeconomic status, level of education and cultural experiences. Population of Hooded crows has recently significantly increased, so we wanted to find out what is the attitude of people in connection to Hooded crows. We set two broad research questions: What factors affect the intention of people and whether there are differences in the understanding of crows the opinions on the coexistence of crows and humans, the acceptability of measures for the management of crows and feelings towards crows according to gender, age, level of education, area of residence, negative experiences with crows, membership in the DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia, the ownership or guardianship of domestic animals and membership in a hunting club. The survey was conducted by an online survey, which covered 1045 respondents. We found that self-belief on ability to distinguish between different species of crows affects knowledge on the crows, which is something we cannot trust. Negative experiences as well as membership in a hunting association affect peoples’ opinion on the coexistence of crows and humans. Gender affects that opinion very little. Negative experience and membership in the DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia are two factors that affect the acceptability of measures. On the other hand gender, level of education and membership in a hunting clubs affect that very little. Negative experiences are the main factors that affect attitudes towards Hooded crows. All factors don't always contribute equally to the formation of behavioural intentions. We designed a model after Ajzen, but although we used multiple regression, we did not get results demonstrating that the selected factors affect the intention to make people sign a petition against the measures to reduce the number of crows or to the implementation of measures to reduce the number of crows with themselves being the participants. |