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Organiziranost slovenske policije na območju državne meje se je po vstopu Republike Slovenije v schengensko območje močno spremenila. Slovenija je sprejela merila in načine varovanja državne meje po schengenskih standardih in zahtevah Evropske unije. Osnovna ideja schengenske ureditve je zagotovitev prostega prehajanja notranjih meja, kar pa pomeni poostren nadzor na območju zunanje meje z Republiko Hrvaško. Posledica tega je bilo povečano število zaposlenih, mejnih prehodov in patrulj, namenjenih varovanju meje. Začela so se številna izobraževanja in dodatna usposabljanja policistov za uporabo nove policijske opreme. Osnovni namen dela policije na območju državne meje je zagotoviti najvišjo stopnjo varnosti države in njenih prebivalcev. Odgovoren organ za opravljanje nalog na območju državne meje je Sektor mejne policije. Njegova temeljna naloga je spoštovanje norme nacionalnega in mednarodnega prava, ki ureja področje prestopanja državne meje. Temeljni principi, ki urejajo to področje v mednarodnem pravu so pravica do svobode gibanja, obveznost sprejema svojih in tujih državljanov ter pravica prepovedi vstopa tujca v državo. Varovanje državne meje policisti opravljajo s patruljiranjem in opazovanjem, po potrebi pa tudi z drugimi oblikami. Njihove glavne naloge in pristojnosti so nadzor in varovanje državne meje, preprečevanje nedovoljenih migracij ter preiskovanje kaznivih dejanj in prekrškov. V diplomskem delu bomo preverili, ali trenutna organiziranost policije na območju državne meje učinkovito zagotavlja dovolj visoko stopnjo varovanja državne meje. S pomočjo statističnih podatkov bomo ugotovili padec oziroma porast kaznivih dejanj, še posebej se bomo posvetili nedovoljenim migracijam, ki so v zadnjih letih največji problem na območju državne meje Organization of Slovenian police on the state border area has changed a lot after the Republic of Slovenia’s entry into the Schengen area. Slovenia has adopted criteria and ways of protecting the state border according to the Schengen standards and requirements of the European Union. The basic idea of the Schengen arrangement is to ensure the free movement of internal borders, which means stricter controls in the area of the external border with Croatia. As a result, there was an increase in the number of employees, border crossings and the number of patrols for border protection. A number of educations and additional training of police officers for the use of new police equipment has begun. The main purpose of police work on the state border area is to ensure the highest level of security for the state and its inhabitants. The responsible authority for carrying out tasks on the state border area is the border police department. Its basic task is to respect the norm of national and international law, which regulates the field of crossing the state border. The basic principles governing this field in international law are the right to freedom of movement, the obligation to accept their own and foreign citizens, and the right to ban the foreigner's entry into the country. The protection of the state border is carried out by patrolling and observing, and, if necessary, by other forms. Their main tasks and responsibilities are the surveillance and protection of the state border, the prevention of illegal migration and the investigation of criminal actions and offenses. In the graduation thesis we will check if the current organization of the police in the territory of the state border effectively provides a high enough level of protection of the state border. With the help of statistical data, we will determine a decrease or increase in criminal actions, in particular, we will focus on illegal migration, which in recent years has been the biggest problem on the state border area. |