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Uporaba interneta raste iz dneva v dan. Mobilne naprave, kot so mobilni telefoni in tablice, nam omogočajo dostop do svetovnega spleta skoraj na vsakem koraku. Ljudje kot socialna bitja nagonsko stremimo k povezovanju z drugimi ljudmi, zato razcvet družbenih medijev v zadnjih letih ne preseneča. Ker je čas, ki ga preživimo na raznih družabnih omrežjih, vsak dan večji, je prav to ustvarilo novo priložnost za marketing. V tem diplomskem delu nas zanimajo predvsem slovenska podjetja in njihova prisotnost na največjem družbenem omrežju – Facebook-u. V prvem delu smo se dotaknili teoretičnega dela marketinga, v nadaljevanju pa predstavili dobre prakse ter izvedli anketo. Ugotovili smo, da večina podjetij nima točno definiranih ciljev in zastavljene strategije za nastop na Facebook-u. Na podlagi podatkov, ki smo jih pridobili z analizo dobrih praks in anketo, smo sestavili postopkovnik, s pomočjo katerega lahko podjetja zastavijo strategijo za uspešen nastop na Facebook-u. The internet has become more and more popular media. We use mobile devices such as mobile phone and tablets to access the world wide web in almost every situation. People tend to be social therefore it is no surprise that the social media grew bigger and bigger in the past years. Since we spend more and more time using different social media, this has created new marketing possibilities. In the thesis we explore Slovenian companies and their presence on the biggest social network – the Facebook. First we present the theoretical basis of marketing, then we go through some examples of good practice and show the results of a survey research. Most of the companies in the survey have no definite goal and they use no specific strategy for their Facebook representation. From the survey data and the examples of good practice we manage to create a procedure guide for a successful Facebook representation. |