Unfair commercial practises: analysis of case law on misleading pratices
Autor: | Florjanc, Nika |
Přispěvatelé: | Repas, Martina |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2018 |
Předmět: |
povprečen potrošnik
zavajajoča dejanja misleading omissions unfair business practices misleading actions udc:366(043.2) Zakon o varstvu potrošnikov pred nepoštenimi poslovnimi praksami Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations Direktiva o varstvu potrošnikov pred nepoštenimi poslovnimi praksami črna lista prepovedi blacklist of prohibitions nepoštene poslovne prakse average consumer zavajajoče opustitve Consumer Protection against Unfair Commercial Practices Act |
Zdroj: | Maribor |
Popis: | Diplomska naloga obravnava zavajajoče nepoštene poslovne prakse, ki se jih poslužujejo trgovci v razmerju do potrošnikov in so urejene v DNPP, ki je bila prenesena v slovenski ZVPNPP. V zvezi s tem pojasni nomotehnično strukturo DNPP ter njeno področje uporabe. Preučuje veliko generalno klavzulo, ki vsebuje splošno prepoved nepoštenih poslovnih praks, mali generalni klavzuli, ki vsebujeta prepoved zavajajočih poslovnih praks, in črno listo prepovedi poslovnih praks, ki je vsebovana v Prilogi I k DNPP, ki se v vseh okoliščinah štejejo za nepoštene. Pri tem naloga zlasti izpostavlja analizo zavajajočih dejanj v DNPP in ZVPNPP ter analizo sodne prakse zavajajočih dejanj. Z analizo primerov Sodišča Evropske unije zavajajočih dejanj preučuje, kako to skozi prakso zagotavlja visoko stopnjo varstva potrošnikov. Sodišče to dosega s pomočjo široke razlage določenih pojmov in v zvezi s tem upošteva široko stvarno področje DNPP ter s pojasnitvijo pojmov, kar posledično potrošniku lajša prepoznanje nepoštenih poslovnih praks. Evropska parlament in Svet sta se ob sprejemu DNPP odločila za maksimalno haromonizacijo s strani držav članic EU. Obravnavan je tudi vpliv takšne harmonizacije DNPP na povečanje zaupanja potrošnikov in trgovcev v čezmejno poslovanje. V nalogi je narejena tudi analiza sodnih primerov v zvezi z maksimalno harmonizacijo DNPP in zavajajočimi dejanji. Na podlagi le-teh naloga ugotavlja, da Sodišče Evropske unije državam članicam prepoveduje nacionalne določbe, ki vsebujejo strožje omejevalne ukrepe, kot jih ureja DNPP. Kar zadeva primere v zvezi z zavajajočimi dejanji, ugotavlja, da je pomembno ločevanje le-teh od zavajajočih opustitev in velike generalne klavzule, upoštevanje seznama črne liste prepovedi ter izvajanje testa poštenosti, po katerem se umesti ravnanje bodisi med poslovne prakse, naštete na črni listi prepovedi, bodisi med majhni generalni klavzuli ali med veliko generalno klavzulo. The undergraduate thesis discusses misleading unfair business practices of traders in relation to consumers and are arranged in the UCPD (Unfair Commercial Practices Directive), which was transferred to the Slovenian ZVPNPP (Consumer Protection against Unfair Commercial Practices Act). In relation to this, the thesis explains the non-technical structure of UCPD and its scope. It examines the grand general clause, which contains the general prohibition of unfair business practices, small general clauses, which contain the prohibitions of misleading business practices and blacklist of prohibitions of business practices, which is included in Annex I to the UCPD, which are considered unfair in all circumstances. The thesis especially highlights the analysis of misleading actions in the UCPD and ZVPNPP and the analysis of judicial practice of misleading actions. By analysing the cases of European Court of Justice’s misleading actions, the thesis examines the way of ensuring the high level of consumer protection in practice. The Court achieves this with broad interpretation of certain terms and in relation to this considers the wide subject-matter area of UCPD, and also with the clarification of terms, which makes it easier for consumers to recognise unfair business practices. Upon the adoption of UCPD, the European Parliament and the Council decided for maximum harmonisation by EU member states. It also discusses the effects of such harmonisation of the UCPD on the increased consumers and traders confidence in cross-border businesses. The thesis includes the analysis of juridical cases in relation with maximum harmonisation of the UCPD and misleading actions. Based on the latter, the thesis establishes that the European Court of Justice prohibits the member states from making national provisions that contain stricter restrictive measures than governed by the UCPD. Regarding the cases with misleading actions, the thesis establishes that it is important to distinguish the latter from misleading omissions and the grand general clause, to consider the blacklist prohibitions and implement the fairness test, according to which the behaviour is placed among the business practices on the blacklist of prohibitions on the small or grand general clause. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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