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Današnji način življenja stremi k čim lažjemu ter hitrejšemu zaslužku, saj nekateri svoje življenje vrednotijo le po pridobljenih sredstvih in ne po preostalih vrednotah, ki v današnjem svetu pomenijo čedalje manj (ljubezen, spoštovanje, prijatelji, družina). Gospodarska kriminaliteta in korupcija sta čedalje bolj aktualni, saj se populacija čedalje bolj zaveda problema današnje družbe. K temu prispevajo tudi mediji s svojim poročanjem o odmevnih primerih, seveda k njim prištevamo Stožice, ki še niso dokončane v celoti. V diplomskem delu smo opredelili gospodarsko kriminaliteto, preprečevanje in oblike le-te. V drugem delu smo raziskali in predstavili celotni potek gradnje Športno rekreacijskega centra Stožice. Pri njegovi gradnji so se pojavljale različne težave: izbira primernega mesta, sanacija gramoznice, denacionalizacijski postopek, izbira javno-zasebnega partnerja in njegove težave skozi celotno gradnjo, posojilo bank konzorcija ter prenakazila na račune Jankovića in njegovih dveh sinov prek podjetij v njihovi lasti. Z gradnjo Stožic se je Mestna občina Ljubljana zadolževala z namenom reševanja projekta, zato je posledično nastala velika finančna luknja v njenem proračunu. Na Stožice ne moremo gledati samo negativno, saj smo končno dobili stadion in dvorano, ki sta primerna za mednarodne tekme. Afera Stožice je še v današnjih dneh aktualna tema, saj še ni dokončan trgovski objekt v sklopu Stožic, njegovo dokončanje pa je pod vprašajem, saj je družba Grep v stečaju. Njegove terjatve je odkupil gospod Izet Rastoder, ki pa se dražbe trgovskega centra ni udeležil, ampak je samo vplačal varščino. Na podlagi ugotovitev predlagamo strožjo zakonodajo in večji nadzor nad javnimi financami. Potrebno je tudi aktivno ozaveščanje populacije pri preprečevanju korupcije in obveščanje varnostnih organov pri sumljivem prenosu denarja. Today’s way of life strives for the easiest and fastest earnings possible, for some people value their life only according to the acquired resources and not according to other values which mean less and less in the today’s world (love, respect, friends, family). Economic crime and corruption are increasingly more topical, for the population is increasingly more aware of the problem of the present society. Media contribute to all that by reporting about high-profile cases. Of course, Stožice, which is not yet built entirely, is one of those cases. In the diploma thesis, we defined economic crime, preventing of it, and its forms. In the second part of the diploma thesis, we researched and presented the entire procedure of the construction of the Sports and Recreational Centre Stožice. In the process of its construction various problems emerged: the selection of the appropriate location, rehabilitation of the gravel pit, denationalization procedure, the choice of public-private partner, and its problems through the entire construction, loan of banks of the consortium, and transfers of money to the accounts of Janković and his two sons through the companies in their ownership. By constructing the Stožice project, the City of Ljubljana incurred debts with the intention to save the project. Consequently, a large financial hole emerged in its budget. We cannot see Stožice just negatively, for we finally got the stadium and a sports hall which are appropriate for international matches. The Stožice affair is a topical issue nowadays, for the commercial building in the Stožice complex has not been finished yet. Finishing the complex is under a question mark because the company Grep is under bankruptcy proceedings. Its claims were bought by Mr. Izet Rastoder, who, however, did not personally participate in the auction. He only lodged a security. On the basis of the ascertainments, we propose stricter legislation and greater control over public finances. Raising active awareness of the population in preventing corruption, and informing security authorities in case of suspicious transfers of money is necessary. |