Business communication of young people

Autor: Klun, Klemen
Přispěvatelé: Ferjan, Marko
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Dandanes imajo mladi težave pri iskanju prve zaposlitve. Ker nimajo izkušenj na določenih področjih dela, nimajo znanja o uporabi verbalne oz. neverbalne komunikacije, o pravilnem slogu oblačenja, zato so nekonkurenčni ostalim kandidatom, ki se potegujejo za isto delovno mesto. Prednosti, ki jim omogočajo večjo konkurenčno moč za želeno zaposlitev, so skrite v poznavanju poslovnega komuniciranja. Pri stiku z ljudmi ima zunanji videz pomembno vlogo, poleg tega je najbolj opazna dimenzija komunikacije. S pomočjo upoštevanja osnovnih definicij poslovnega komuniciranja lahko mladi naredijo dober vtis na delodajalca. Poleg omenjene dimenzije komunikacije posameznika predpostavljamo, da na njegovo uspešnost in učinkovitost vplivajo tudi komunikacijske veščine. Naša raziskava bo mladim iskalcem zaposlitve predstavila poslovno komuniciranje, s čimer bodo lahko konkurenčni ostalim kandidatom, ki se potegujejo za isto delovno mesto. Po našem predvidevanju je kandidat, ki posveča pozornost komunikacijskim veščinam (besednemu zakladu, kretnjam rok, drži telesa) in skrbi za svojo zunanjo urejenost, uspešnejši od ostalih posameznikov ter učinkovitejši od svojih sovrstnikov. Namen diplomske naloge je, da določimo jakost povezanosti med uspešnostjo oz. učinkovitostjo kandidata z njegovim posvečanjem zunanjemu videzu in komunikacijskim veščinam. V teoretičnem delu smo se posvetili področju splošne komunikacije, neverbalni komunikaciji, pojmoma uspešnosti in učinkovitosti ter poslovnemu komuniciranju. V praktičnem delu smo z anketo pridobili objektivne podatke, kjer so anketiranci ocenjevali, v kolikšni meri sami pri sebi posvečajo pozornost dejavnikom komuniciranja. Podatke smo organizirali in jih statistično obdelali. Stopnjo povezanosti smo določili s pomočjo Pearsonovega koeficienta korelacije. Raziskava nam je pokazala, da obstaja majhna povezanost med zunanjim videzom mladih in uspešnostjo ter učinkovitostjo posameznika. Poleg te dimenzije poslovnega komuniciranja smo opravili raziskavo, ki je pokazala, da so komunikacijske veščine v manjši korelaciji z uspešnostjo in učinkovitostjo. Dejstva, da imajo mladi, ki poznajo pravila poslovne komunikacije, večjo možnost za uspeh v poslovnem svetu in večjo možnost za prvo zaposlitev, nismo dokazali. Danes ima prvi vtis velik pomen. Ker je prva zaznava zunanji videz, je zato tudi glavna predstavitev osebe in njegove osnovne podobe pri razgovorih za prvo zaposlitev. Zunanjemu videzu sledijo dimenzije komunikacijskih veščin. Če se prvinam poslovne komunikacije dovolj posvetimo, si omogočimo boljšo zaposlitev in večji ugled v družbi. Nowadays young people have a problem finding their first job. Because they have no experience in certain fields of work, they have no knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication. They are not competitive like other candidates applying for the same job. The advantages that enable them to gain more competitive power for the desired job are hidden in the knowledge of business communication. In first conntact with others is an important role in the external appearance which is the most widely observed dimension of communication. By taking into account basic business communication definitions the young people can make a good impression on the employer. In addition to the mentioned dimension of individual communication it is assumed that communication skills are also influenced by its performance and efficiency. With our research, a job seeker can gain an edge over other candidates who compete for the same job. According to our estimation, a candidate who pays attention to communication skills (vocabulary, movements of hands, body stays) and takes care of his external order is more likely to successed than other individuals and is more effective than his peers. The purpose of the thesis is to determine the strength of the connection between the performance and effectiveness of the candidate with his external appearance and the attention he dedicates to communication skills. In the theoretical part, we devoted ourselves to general communication, non-verbal communication, concepts of effectiveness and efficiency, and business communication. In the practical part we obtained objective data with the survey where they assessed to how much they pay attention to communication factors. Data were organized and statistically processed. The degree of connectivity was determined using the Pearson coefficient of correlation. The research has shown us that the external appearance of young people is weakly connected with the success and efficiency of the individual. In addition to this dimension of business communication we conducted a survey that showed that communication skills are slightly correlated with performance and efficiency. We have not shown that young people who know the rules of business communication have a greater chance of success in the business world and a greater chance of getting a good first job. Nowdays the first impression has a great importance. Since the first perception is the outward appearance which is also the main presentation of the person and his basic image in the interviews for the first job. This is followed by the dimensions of communication skills. Greater dedication to the elements of business communication enables better employment and greater reputation in society.
Databáze: OpenAIRE