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Na osnovi monomera alifatski uretanski diakrilat (AUD) smo želeli z uporabo emulzij sintetizirati porozne poliHIPE materiale. Zaradi različne uporabe poliHIPE materialov je pomembno, da poskušamo sintetizirati le te z različnimi monomeri. Posledično dobimo različne kemijske in fizikalne lastnosti. Ker so določeni poliHIPE materiali trdi in krhki, smo želeli sintetizirati bolj prožen material. V kombinaciji z alifatskim uretanskim diakrilatom smo uporabljali tudi stiren, divinil benzen, divinil adipat in tetratiol (pentaeritritol tetrakis(3-merkaptopropionat)). Sintezo smo izvajali v steklenem reaktorju. K organski fazi, ki so jo sestavljali monomeri, surfaktant, topilo in iniciator smo po kapljicah dodajali vodno fazo, ki jo je predstavljala deionizirana voda z raztopljenim kalcijevim kloridom. S pomočjo propelerskega mešala smo pri 300 obr/min po 60 min dobili emulzijo. Za polimerizacijo te emulzije smo uporabljali dva različna postopka termično polimerizacijo in fotopolimerizacijo. Polimere smo čistili z etanolom in destilirano vodo. Monolite, ki smo jih dobili s termično polimerizacijo, smo čistili v Soxletovem aparatu. Vzorce smo sušili v digestoriju, nekatere tudi v vakuumskem sušilniku. S spreminjanjem sestave organske faze smo želeli dobiti porozen poliHIPE monolit. Stabilnost emulzije in polimerizacija je bila v večina primerih uspešna. Problem pa je nastal, ker so se monoliti v času sušenja zelo krčili. Kemijsko sestavo vzorcev smo spremljali s FTIR spektroskopijo. Za nas najpomembnejši signali so bili za vezi N-H, C-O, C=O. Ti signali nam dokazujejo vsebnost alifatskega uretanskega diakrilata v vzorcu. Strukturo vzorcev smo analizirali s SEM mikroskopijo. Te posnetke smo naredili s posušenimi vzorci in z vzorci, ki se še niso sušili. Polimerizacija stabilnih emulzij je uspela, vendar so SEM posnetki pokazali, da večina vzorcev nima tipične poliHIPE morfologije. Vzorec, ki je imel samo 5% vsebnost alifatskega uretanskega diakrilata je pokazal lepo poliHIPE strukturo. Prvi cilj, uspešna polimerizacija z alifatskim uretanskim diakrilatom, je bil dosežen. Drugi cilj je pa bil sintetizirati poliHIPE material, to pa nam je uspelo samo v primeru z malo vsebnostjo alifatskega uretanskega diakrilata. On the basis of the monomer aliphatic urethane diacrylate we wanted to synthesize porous polyHIPE materials with the use of emulsion templating method. It is important to synthesize polyHIPE materials with different monomers, because of its various uses. Consequently this means different chemical and physical characteristics. Some of the polyHIPE materials are hard and brittle, thus we wanted to synthesize a more flexible material. In the combination with aliphatic urethane diacrylate we also used styrene, divinylbenzene, divinyladipate and tetrathiol (pentaerythritoltetrakis(3-mercaptopropionate)). Synthesis was performed in a glass reactor. By drops, we added aqueous phase to the organic phase, which consisted monomers, surfactants, solvent and indicator. Aqueous phase was consisted of deionized water with dissolved calcium chloride hexahydrate. Emulsions were produced using a propeller mixer at 300 rpm emulsions were produced after 60 minutes. For polymerization of emulsions we used two different procedures – thermal polymerization and photopolymerization. Polymers were cleaned by extraction with ethanol and distilled water. Monolites, made by thermalpolymerization were cleaned in Soxhlet apparatus. The samples were air dried, some of them in a vacuum dryer. By changing the component of organic phase we wanted to produce a porous polyHIPE material. Emulsion preparation and polymerization were successful in most of the samples. Difficulties appeared when samples shrank while drying. The chemical structure of the samples was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. The most important signals we found were in bonds N-H, C-O, C=O. They prove content of aliphatic urethane diacrylate in the sample. The structure of the samples was analyzed using SEM microscopy. Images were made for both dry and wet samples. Polymerization of stable emulsion was successful, but SEM images indicated that most of the samples did not have a polyHIPE morfology. The sample with only 5% of aliphatic urethane diacrylate resembled a typical polyHIPE structure. The first goal polymerization of aliphatic urethane acrylate, was achieved. The second goal was to obtain polyHIPE structure which was successful only in the case with low content of aliphatic urethane diacrylate. |