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Invalidi pomenijo okoli deset odstotkov svetovnega prebivalstva. Ta delež med Slovenci pomeni približno osem odstotkov prebivalstva. Ker je med invalidi bistveno višja brezposelnost kot med preostalimi prebivalci, sta za to populacijo potrebni posebna regulacija in sistemska ureditev zaposlovanja. Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati sistem zaposlovanja invalidnih oseb, s poudarkom na spremembah, ki jih prinaša Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov, skupaj s samo definicijo invalidnosti, razvojem zakonodaje na tem področju in primerjavo z ureditvijo v drugih državah. Slovenska zakonodaja tako v zadnjih letih pri vzpostavljanju sistema zaposlovanja invalidov sledi sodobnim evropskim smernicam in rešitvam. Namen dela je tudi razmisliti o tem, kakšne so prednosti in pomanjkljivosti zdajšnjega sistema, ki ureja in spodbuja zaposlovanje invalidov. People with disabilities represent about 10 percent of the world's population. This percentage in Slovenia is around 8 % of the population. Since there is significantly higher unemployment rate in disabled than the rest of the population, this segment requires special regulation and systematic solutions of employment of people with disabilities. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to demonstrate a system of employment of people with disabilities, with emphasis on the changes brought by the Law amending the Law on Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons, combined with the definition of disability, legal developments, as well as a comparison with other countries. Slovenian legislation has in recent years followed the modern European guidelines and solutions towards establishing a system of employment of people with disabilities. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is also to consider about advantages and disadvantages of the existing system, which regulates and promotes the employment of people with disabilities. |