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Vsaka obveščevalna služba hrani vse svoje pridobljene podatke v bazah podatkov. Glede na določeno zakonodajo pa mora po določenem času (odvisno od vsake posamezne države) te podatke predati pristojnemu državnemu arhivu, ki mora s tem arhivom ravnati v skladu z ustrezno zakonodajo (pri nas to področje podrobneje opredeljuje Zakon o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva ter arhivih, ki med drugim določa do kdaj je dostop prepovedan ter tudi vse kasnejše ravnanje s tem gradivom. Nad določenimi arhivi, ki so pod oznako »tajno«, pa je potrebna stalna kontrola, saj bi lahko v primeru, če bi ti arhivi, oziroma tajni podatki prišli v »roke« nepooblaščeni osebi, do določene mere ogrozilo varnost ali vsaj mednarodni ugled, oziroma položaj države v mednarodni skupnosti. V javnosti in v krogu političnih strank se je na to temo veliko govorilo, saj so privrženci, tako desne, kot leve politične opcije, še vedno neenotni, predvsem glede odprtja arhivov nekdanje SDV. Da bi dosegli boljšo dostopnost do teh arhivov, kot so navajali v medijih, smo volilni upravičenci RS imeli možnost da se o tem izjasnimo in odločimo na kar dveh referendumih. Dejstva, do katerih smo med drugim prišli so tudi, da kljub temu kako se določeni posamezniki trudijo, da bi prišli do dejanskih dejstev o delovanju nekdanje SDV, so na drugi strani določeni posamezniki, ki se trudijo, da se ta dejstva širši javnosti nikoli ne bi do potankosti razkrila. Any intelligence service stores all its data obtained in the databases. According to the law, it should after a certain time (depending on each country) hand over the information to the competent national archives which must respect the relevant legislation (in our country this field is in detail defined by the Protection of Documents and Archives and Archival Institutions Act which, inter alia, specifies until what date the access is prohibited, as well as all subsequent handling of the material. Some parts of the archives under the label "Confidential” require constant control since the security, or at least an international reputation, and the country's position in the international community would be undermined if these archives, or classified information came into the knowledge of unauthorized person. A lot has been discussed in the public and in the circle of political parties on this subject, because the followers of the right party and the left political parties still do not agree, in particular as regards the opening of the archives of the former State Security Service. In order to achieve better access to these archives, as quoted in the media, the voters had the opportunity to state its opinion and decide on about that at two referendums. We have come to the conclusions that while some certain individuals are trying to discover the actual facts on the functioning of the former State Security Service, on the other hand, there are certain individuals who are trying to hide those facts from the general public and never to reveal them. |