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Kljub temu, da je letalsko pravo najmlajša veja transportnega prava, je iz pravnega, gospodarskega in mednarodnega vidika ena izmed pomembnejših vej transportnega prava. Mednarodna pogodba je splet dveh ali več pravnih redov, v katerih imata stranki svoj sedež. Pomembnejši mednarodni letalski sporazumi, ki veljajo v Sloveniji so Montrealska konvencija, Konvencija o priznanju pravic na letalu, ter Rimska uredba. V mednarodnem letalskem prometu poznamo naslednje vrste pogodb: pogodba o prevozu potnikov in prtljage, pogodba o prevozu tovora, multimodalni prevoz, pogodba o posebni storitvi z letalom in pogodba o zakupu letala. V delu ugotavljam, kako mednarodne pogodbe sklepa naš letalski prevoznik Adria Airways in Adria Airways tehnika. Navedene problematike sem se lotila s pravno teoretičnega vidika oziroma s pomočjo aktualnih primerov iz prakse. Kot primer prakse navajam primer Falcona oziroma vladnega letala in prodajo državnega premoženja. Svet se nahaja v gospodarski krizi, katera vpliva tudi na sklepanje mednarodnih pogodb v letalskem prometu. Despite the fact that air law is one of the youngest branches of transport law, from a legal, economic and international point of view it is considered one of the most important branches of transport law. An international agreement joins two or more legal orders in which the parties hold their legal seats. The most important international air agreements in force in Slovenia are the Montreal Convention, the Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft and the Rome Regulation. In international air traffic we can find the following types of agreements: Passenger and Luggage Transport Agreement, Cargo Transport Agreement, Multimodal Transport, Special Aircraft Services Agreement and Lease Agreement for an Aircraft. In the thesis I will describe how the international agreements are concluded by our airline Adria Airways and Adria Airways Tehnika. I have dealt with this problem from the legal and theoretical point of view and with the help of actual practical examples. As one of the practical examples I have stated the case of the Falcon or the government plane and privatization. The world is in economic crisis which affects the conclusion of international agreements in air traffic. |