Autor: Beti, Andrej
Přispěvatelé: Bobek, Samo
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati primere proizvodnih modelov v podjetjih Dell, Jaguar in Nike ter predstaviti elektronko poslovanje, poslovne modele in proizvodni model elektronskega poslovanja. V uvodnem delu naloge opredeljujemo in opisujemo področje problema, ki je predmet raziskave. Teorija elektronskega poslovanja zajema drugo poglavje, kjer začenjamo z razvojem in opredelitvijo, nadaljujemo pa s predstavitvijo prednosti in slabosti, vrst, varnosti in pravne ureditve elektronskega poslovanja. Elektronsko poslovanje se je v manj kot desetih letih močno razmahnilo in poseglo na vsa področja našega življenja. Zaradi izredno hitrega razvoja se v zvezi s tem pojavlja veliko nejasnosti, med katerimi je tudi opredelitev samega pojava. Na podlagi ugotovitev preučene literature smo elektronsko poslovanje obravnavali kot način poslovanja podjetja, njegovo organizacijo in poslovno strategijo. Glede na raziskanost posameznih modelov elektronskega poslovanja menim, da se ljudje vedno bolj poslužujejo interneta za opravljanje določenih storitev, saj je ta možnost cenejša in hitrejša od klasične. Vsebina tretjega in četrtega poglavja je namenjena predstavitvi poslovnih modelov in proizvodnega modela elektronskega poslovanja. Diplomsko delo zaključimo s poglavjem primeri proizvodnih modelov v podjetjih Dell, Jaguar in Nike. Proizvodni modeli se z leti spreminjajo, dopolnjujejo in celo popolnoma na novo kreirajo. Še več, morda bo v prihodnosti pojem proizvodnega modela še bolj uveljavljen, predstavljal konkurenčno prednost in bo postal ključni del uspeha podjetja. The issue of this thesis is to introduce manufacturer model of electronics business in Dell, Jaguar and Nike companies. Electronic business, business models and manufacturer model of electronic business are presented. In the introduction we defined and described the problem of the topic in this research. The theory of the electronic business, the definition and development, are described in the second chapter. We continued with the presentation of strengths and weaknesses, types, security and legal arrangements of electronic business. In less than ten years the electronic business has had strongly full swing and reached on all fields of our life. Because of extraordinary quick development in association with this turn up a lot of haziness, among which is also the definition of alone phenomena. Based on finding of studied literature we considered electronic business as manner of business of a company, its organization and business strategy. Regarding on research of some models of electronic business, I think, that people are using more and more electronic business to do some of a business on internet, because this is cheaper and faster than to do this things on classical ways. The content of the third and the fourth section is intended to the business model and the product electronic model presentation. I finish the thesis with the section of manufacture models from Dell, Jaguar and Nike companies. The manufacturer models change with years, they fulfill and even created completely new. Moreover, maybe in the future the concept of the manufacturer model will be even more established, it will create an even more competitive advantage and will become a key part of the company’s success.
Databáze: OpenAIRE