Autor: Knežević, Zorica
Přispěvatelé: Vavtar, Bojan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Na 10 ha veliki kmetiji v okolici Ljubljane želimo izbrati najprimernejšo statusno pravno organizacijsko obliko glede na možnosti kmetije. Povpraševanje po domačih in ekoloških izdelkih se povečuje, samooskrba z zelenjavo je nizka, slovenska ponudba tovrstnih izdelkov pa prenizka. V letu 2012 je bila stopnja samooskrbe nekoliko pod povprečjem zadnjih petih let in je bila ocenjena na 34 % (v povprečju zadnjih petih let 35 %) in pri sveži zelenjavi 45 % (Poročilo o stanju kmetijstva, živilstva, gozdarstva in ribištva v letu 2012). Za določitev najprimernejše organizacijske oblike na kmetiji bomo izbirali med kmetijskim gospodarstvom, dopolnilno dejavnostjo na kmetiji, samostojnim podjetništvom, družbo z neomejeno odgovornostjo in družbo z omejeno odgovornostjo. Popestritev dela na kmetiji in dodatni ekonomski učinek nam nudita izkoriščanje še neizkoriščenih možnosti, kar kmetijstvo vsekakor je. Cilj naloge je obstoječe možnosti, znanje in voljo do dela, ki jih imamo na kmetiji, ter naše izdelke ponuditi trgu, s čimer bi zadovoljili del povpraševanja po tovrstnih izdelkih in obenem ustvarili dohodek na kmetiji. Cilj naloge je izkoristek le dela kmetije za pridelavo zelenjave ter ni mišljen kot pridelava in predelava na veliko. Odvisno od ekonomskih in ostalih razmer bi v nadgradnji naloge opisali nadaljnje možne širitve/nadgradnje izdelkov in storitev na kmetiji v odvisnosti od oblike registracije dejavnosti. On 10 hectares large farm in surroundings of Ljubljana we want to choose the most appropriate status legal organizational form according to the possibilities of the farm. The demand for domestic and organic products is growing, self supply with vegetables is low and Slovenian offer of such products is too low. In 2012 the self supply rate was slightly below average regarding the average of the previous five years and it was estimated at 34% (the average of the last five years 35%) and for fresh vegetables it was estimated at 45% (Report on the state of agriculture, food, forestry and fisheries in 2012). In order to determine the most appropriate organizational forms of the farm we will choose between an agricultural holding, a supplementary activity on the farm, an independent entrepreneurship, a company with unlimited liability and a limited liability company. Variegation of work on the farm and additional economic impact allows to us the exploitation of untapped opportunities that agriculture certainly is. The aim of this thesis is to offer the existing possibilities, knowledge and desire to work that we have at our farm, and our products on the market in order to meet part of the demand for such products and at the same time create income for the farm. The aim of this thesis is also the utilization of only a part of the farm for growing vegetables and is not intended as growing and processing on a large. Depending on the economic and other conditions in the upgrade of this thesis we should describe further possible expansions/upgrades of the products and services on the farm depending to the form of registration activities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE