Consultation between teachers and school counsellors in primary and secondary schools

Autor: Mlakar Matković, Sanja
Přispěvatelé: Košir, Katja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Dejavnost posvetovanja je eden ključnih vidikov dela šolskega svetovalnega delavca, je tista značilnost, v kateri se razlikujeta tradicionalni in sodobni model šolskega psihološkega svetovanja. Posvetovanje je neizbežen del šolskega vsakdana, izoblikovanja poklicne identitete, profesionalnega razvoja ter preprečevanja izgorelosti in stresa na delovnem mestu. Vse to še posebej velja v današnjem času, ko so šole in družba vse bolj inkluzivno naravnane ter ko so situacije, s katerimi se srečujemo tako kompleksne in nemalo krat zelo zahtevne, da jih lahko učinkovito rešimo le s posvetovalnim delom. Magistrska naloga preučuje področje posvetovanja med svetovalnimi delavci in učitelji v osnovnih in srednjih šolah. Osredotoča se na poročanja učiteljev in svetovalnih delavcev. V teoretičnem delu naloge so predstavljena naslednja področja: šolske reforme v zadnjih desetletjih in vizija razvoja v naših šolah, opredelitev svetovanja in posvetovanja ter vloge učitelja in svetovalnega delavca, vpliv posvetovanja na profesionalni razvoj učiteljev in svetovalnih delavcev ter na obvladovanje stresa in izgorelosti na delovnem mestu in primeri dobre prakse v naših šolah. Empirični del preučuje poglede učiteljev in svetovalnih delavcev o tem v kolikšni meri je posvetovanje med njimi prisotno pri njihovem delu, na katerih področjih, kako vpliva na njihov profesionalni razvoj ter obvladovanje stresa in izgorelosti na delovnem mestu ter kakšne so njihove želje, predlogi v zvezi s tem področjem. V raziskavo je vključena tako kvantitativna (anketni vprašalnik) kot kvalitativna (intervju) raziskovalna metoda. Raziskovalni vzorec zajema 490 učiteljev in 111 svetovalnih delavcev osnovnih in srednjih. Raziskava preučuje razliko med poročanji učiteljev in svetovalnih delavcev glede na program, v katerem so zaposleni (osnovna in srednja šola) ter glede na njihovo delovno dobo (učitelj - do 20 let in več kot 21 let svetovalni delavci - do 15 let in več kot 16 let). V raziskavi je ugotovljeno, da večina učiteljev in svetovalnih delavcev medsebojno dobro sodeluje, pri čemer ob tradicionalnem modelu uporabljajo tudi posvetovalni model svetovanja, ker pa so tako eni kot drugi preveč obremenjeni z drugim delom, se temu področju ne morejo posvetiti v tolikšni meri, kot bi si to želeli. Posvetovanje je v večji meri prisotno v osnovnih kot v srednjih šolah. Tradicionalni model svetovanja je bolj prisoten pri učitelji z več delovne dobe in učiteljih, ki so zaposleni v srednjih šolah. Z učitelji se več posvetujejo svetovalni delavci z manj delovne dobe. Consultation is one of the key aspects of the work of a school counselor. It is that particular characteristic in which the traditional and contemporary model of school psychological counseling differ. Consultation is an inevitable part of the everyday school on one hand and the accomplishment of professional identity, professional development, and the prevention of the burnout and stress in the workplace on the other hand. All this is especially true nowadays, when the schools as well as the society are more and more inclusively oriented and when the situations one is facing are demanding and often extremely challenging and can thus be as such effectively solved only with the consultation work. This assignment examines the scope of the consultations between the school counselors and primary or secondary school teachers. It focuses on the reports given by the teachers and the school counselors. The theoretical part of the task presents the following areas: the education reforms introduced in recent decades and the vision of development in our schools, the definition of advice and consultation together with the role of the teacher and school counselor, the impact, which the consultation has on professional development of teachers and school counselors along with coping with stress and burnout in the workplace and the examples of good practice in our schools. The empirical part examines the views of the teachers and advisory professionals about the extent to which consultation is present in different areas of their work, how it affects their professional development and stress management along with burnout in the workplace and their wishes as well as suggestions relating to this area. The survey includes both quantitative (survey questionnaire) and qualitative (interview) research methods. The research sample includes 490 teachers and 111 primary and secondary school counselors. The survey examines the difference between the reports given by the teachers and the school counseling specialists considering the program in which they are employed (elementary or secondary school) and according to their seniority (teachers with less than 20 and those with more than 21 years of teaching practice school counselors with less than 15 compared to those with more than 16 years of working practice). The survey has found that most teachers and school counselors work well with each other, by using the traditional model next to the contemporary consultation model of counseling. However, since both, the teachers as well as the counselors are too burdened with the additional tasks and obligations, they cannot devote to the above-mentioned model as much as they would like to. Consultation is largely present in the primary than in secondary schools. The traditional model of counselling is mostly used by teachers with more seniority and teachers that are employed in secondary schools. On the other hand, school counselors with less seniority are those who consult with the teachers more often than their senior colleagues.
Databáze: OpenAIRE