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V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo prenovo Vrtca Pobrežje, enote Ob gozdu. Obravnavan vrtec se nahaja v Mestni občini Maribor, v Mestni četrti Pobrežje. Vrtec Pobrežje pokriva potrebe po varstvu predšolskih otrok s petimi enotami. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo pregledali zgodovino predšolske vzgoje in predstavili trajnostno gradnjo ter kriterije energijsko učinkovite stavbe. V nadaljevanju smo preverili zakonodajo, vezano na objekte predšolske vzgoje, in predstavili referenčne primere vrtcev v Sloveniji in tujini. Na podlagi analiz, ki smo jih naredili na obstoječem stanju, je izdelana podrobna prenova lesenega vrtca, ki vključuje vidike energetsko učinkovite in okolju prijazne arhitekture. n the master's thesis we take a closer look at the renovation of the Kindergarten Pobrežje, unit Ob Gozdu. This particular kindergarten is located in the Municipality of Maribor in the Pobrežje district. The Kindergarten Pobrežje with its five units covers the need for childcare services for preschool children. In the theoretical part we will examine the history of preschool education and present the concept of sustainable construction. We will also discuss the requirements and standards that need to be met for a building to be labelled as energetically efficient. Furthermore, we take a closer look at the legislation that refers to buildings for preschool education and present several reference cases of kindergartens in Slovenia and abroad. Based on the conducted analyses performed on the existing condition of the building, we have prepared a thorough renovation of the wooden kindergarten. The renovation includes the concepts and aspects of an energy efficient and environmentally friendly architecture. |