Experiencing music schools pupils' performance in front of an audience

Autor: Zorič, Maja
Přispěvatelé: Magdovski, Adriana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Magistrsko delo je zasnovano kot empirično delo. V prvem delu je predstavljen teoretični del, ki obravnava načela javnega nastopanja. Proučuje pa tudi postopek priprave na javni nastop, doživljanje nastopa, izkušnje izvajalca glasbenika in pridobitve z nastopanjem. Psihologija glasbe in sproščanje v glasbi sta pomembna dejavnika pri ocenjevanju uspešnosti nastopanja, ki podpreta teoretični del v celoti. V drugem, empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati anketnega vprašalnika, ki so ga učenci izbranih glasbenih šol reševali. Na podlagi le-teh smo izvedeli, koliko izkušenj imajo učenci glede na razred, v katerega hodijo, ali je prisoten strah, ko so izpostavljeni pred občinstvom, in kakšno je njihovo doživljanje glasbe med nastopanjem. The master's thesis is designed as empirical work. The first part of the thesis consists of theory dealing with principles of public appearance. Furthermore, it examines the process of preparing for a public appearance, one's experiencing of such appearance, and a musician's experiences, and what one gains by performing in front of the public. Psychology of music and relaxation in music are important factors which fully support the theoretical part. The second, empirical part of the master's thesis consists of the results of a questionnaire, filled out by pupils of certain music schools. Based on the results we learnt how much experience the pupils have depending on the grade they attend, whether they experience performance anxiety and what is their perception of music during their performance.
Databáze: OpenAIRE