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Povezovanje terorističnih združb in vedno večja nevarnost, da bi tudi v Zvezni republiki Nemčiji [ZRN] prišlo do terorističnega napada, je povezalo dve nemški obveščevalni službi − Zvezno službo za zaščito ustavne ureditve [BfV] in Zvezno obveščevalno službo [BND]. Sodelovanje med obveščevalnima službama je danes nujno, da se lahko politično vodstvo in njeni varnostni organi pravočasno soočijo s sodobnimi grožnjami in sprejmejo ustrezne odločitve. Teroristični napadi na ZDA leta 2001 so tudi v ZRN pustili pečat in začela se je nova era na področju zaščite in varnosti njenih državljanov in institucij. Zaradi strahu, da bi se lahko kaj takega zgodilo tudi v ZRN in da se njihova tedanja obveščevalno-varnostna struktura ne more zoperstaviti takemu pojavu oziroma da ima pomanjkljivosti, so začeli z uvajanjem novih varnostnih ukrepov in spreminjanjem ter dopolnjevanjem zakonodaje. Tako so počasi nastajale in se izoblikovale tudi nove oblike sodelovanja med obema obveščevalnima službama. Ne glede na njihovo zakonodajno ločenost in področja dela, jima je bilo dovoljeno priti bolj pogosto v stik druga z drugo. Sodelovanje med BfV in BND danes poteka predvsem preko skupnih podatkovnih baz in skupnih centrov. Sodelovanje med BfV in BND naj bi ZRN prineslo velike prednosti pri dopolnjevanju njihovih nalog. Pojavljali so se tudi dvomi, ali je tako sodelovanje v skladu z državnimi načeli in ali so take nove oblike sodelovanja res potrebne. Že na samemu začetku so se v več primerih izkazale za učinkovite, zato se je povezovanje še večalo ter postalo tesnejše. The activity of terrorist groups and the growing risk of terrorist attacks in the Federal Republic of Germany [FRG] has connected two German intelligence services − The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution [BfV] and The Federal Intelligence Service [BND]. Cooperation between the intelligence services is essential nowadays. Because of this cooperation, the political leadership and their security authorities can confront these modern threats in a timely way and take appropriate decisions. The terrorist attacks on the USA in 2001 also left their mark on the FRG and with them began a new era in the field of security and the safety of its citizens and institutions. The FRG introduced new safety measures and complemented the existing laws due to the fear that something like that might happen in the FRG and that their intelligence-security structure at the time could not oppose such occurrences and that it had deficiencies. With that in mind, new forms of cooperation between the two intelligence services were proposed and formed. Irrespective of their legislative separation and the areas of their work, they were allowed to come into contact more often. Today cooperation between the BfV and the BND takes place through common databases and common centres. Cooperation between the BfV and the BND should bring major advantages to the FRG regarding the complementarity among their tasks. Some doubts also arose regarding the questions of whether such cooperation is in accordance with state principles and if such new forms of cooperation are really necessary. From early on the cooperation proved to be effective, therefore it grew and became closer. |