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V diplomskem delu smo predstavili oskrbo kronične rane na domu, vlogo patronažne medicinske sestre in uporabo sodobnih oblog pri zdravstveni negi kronične rane. Cilj diplomskega dela je opisati kronično rano in, kako se patronažna medicinska sestra vključuje v zdravstveno nego kronične rane. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili študijo primera pacientke s kronično rano na domu. Pacientko smo obravnavali po modelu Virginie Henderson. Uporabljena je bila tehnika intervjuja, z vprašanji odprtega tipa, ki so se nanašala na ugotavljanje anamneze in ugotavljanje potreb po zdravstveni negi. Pregledana je bila tudi medicinska in negovalna dokumentacija pacientke. Ugotovili smo, da je kronična rana ovira za življenje pacientke, vendar je bila pri obravnavani pacientki, večja ovira slaba pomičnost pacientke. Glede na analizo podatkov smo pri pacientki postavili naslednje prioritetne negovalne diagnoze: zmanjšana zmožnost za samostojno osebno higieno, nevarnost padcev, nevarnost infekcije in inkontinenca pacientke. Ugotovili smo, da ima patronažna medicinska sestra zelo pomembno vlogo pri bolnikih, ki zaradi različnih vzrokov postanejo slabše mobilni. In this graduate paper we present the medical care of a chronic wound at home, role of a community nurse and advanced patches for nursing care of a chronic wound. The objective of this graduate paper is to describe what the chronic wound is and how the community nurse is included in its medical care. In the empiric part, we introduce the exemple of a patient at home with a chronic wound. The patient is approached by the Virgine henderson's model. We use the technic of open questions interview which defines the anamnesis and specify the need for a nursing care. Moreover, all the medical care documents are also reviewed. Our finding is that the chronic wound surely represents an obstacle in the life of the patient, but her dementia is even a bigger one. According to the analysis of all the informations about the patient we elaborate the list of nursing care priorities: selfcare, reduced capacity to dress and take care of personal hygiene, urine, functional incontinence, danger of falling, reduced capacity of walking, damaged skin, faecal incontinence, fear. We find out that the role of a community nurse is very important, especially with the patients with reduced mobility who depend on other's help. But we should not forget that the family also needs our help, guidance, encouragement and support to be able to provide a quality care for the patient. |