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Teoretična izhodišča: Diplomsko delo govori o probiotikih in o seznanjenosti staršev z njimi. Probiotični izdelki, ki spreminjajo oziroma ohranjajo črevesno mikrobioto, postajajo vse bolj dostopni za potrošnike. Namen naše raziskave je bil, poleg ugotavljanja seznanjenosti staršev s probiotiki, opisati njihov pogled na uporabo probiotikov pri otrocih. Raziskovalna metodologija: Raziskava temelji na kvantitativni metodologiji. Anketni vprašalnik je vseboval 20 vprašanj. Razdeljenih je bilo 50 vprašalnikov, vsi so bili vrnjeni in pravilno izpolnjeni. S pomočjo računalniškega programa Microsoft Excel smo statistično obdelali podatke in jih grafično ponazorili. Rezultati: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 50 staršev otrok, starih od 1 do 14 let. Vsi anektirani so slišali za besedo »probiotik«, za njihovo uporabo pa jih je največ (20 %) slišalo v lekarni. Probiotike je že uživalo polovica anketiranih (50 %). 98 % anketiranih meni, da probiotiki ugodno vplivajo na človeški organizem. 88 % anektiranih je mnenja, da je ob uživanju antibiotikov uporaba probiotikov pomembna. 59 % anketirancev meni, da je uporaba probiotikov pri otrocih pomembna, ker se otrokova črevesna mikrobiota šele razvija. 62 % anketiranih je odgovorilo, da je njihov otrok že užival probiotike. Diskusija in zaključek: Ozaveščenost in znanje o probiotikih je med starši anketiranih otrok slabša in bi bilo potrebno večje vključevanje medicinskih sester v ozaveščanje o probiotičnih izdelkih. Izobraževanje in promocija zdravja med obiski pri predšolskem dispanzerju, bi prinesla več znanja in izboljšano zdravje otrok. Theoretical grounds: The diploma thesis deals with probiotics and the parents' familiarity with them. Probiotic products that either alter or preserve intestinal microbiota are becoming more and more accessible to consumers. In addition to parents' knowledge, the aim of our study was to describe the parents' standpoint of the probiotic’s usage in children. Research methodology: The research was based on quantitative methodology. The research instrument was a survey questionnaire containing 20 questions. There were 50 questionnaires distributed, all were returned and duly completed. Using the Microsoft Excel computer program, we statistically processed the data and graphically illustrated them. Results: The study involved 50 parents of children aged 1 to 14. All participants have heard of the word "probiotic", the most of the respondents (20%) have heard about probiotics in a local pharmacy. Half of the respondents have consumed probiotics (50%). 98% of respondents believe that probiotics have a beneficial effect on the human body. 88% of respondents believe that the use of probiotics is important when consuming antibiotics. 59% of respondents speak in favor of the probiotics' use in children as playing an important role because the child’s intestinal microbiota is still developing. 62% of respondents answered that their child has consumed probiotics. Conclusion: Based on the research, we came to the conclusion that awareness and knowledge of probiotics among parents of surveyed children is low and it would be necessary to increase the involvement of the nurse in awareness of probiotic edibles. Education and health promotion at the preschool dispenser visits would create more knowledge and improve children’s health. |