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Svet se nam prikazuje le po svetlobi in barvi. Barve obdajajo naša življenja povsod. Posamezne barve imajo pomen in na nas vplivajo različno. Vpliv barv je lahko pozitiven ali negativen. S pomočjo barv z okolja prejemamo različne signale in informacije. Zaznavanje kot proces omogoča, da informacije sprejemamo, zbiramo, obdelamo in razlagamo, si ustvarimo podobo sveta, ki nas obdaja. Posamezniki enake dražljaje zaznavamo različno. Embalaža je zaščita izdelka, ob tem pa predstavlja proizvajalca, vsebino, blagovno znamko in informira odjemalca. Videz embalaže naredi vtis, element embalaže je tudi barva z estetskim učinkom in sporočilnostjo. Namen diplomskega seminarja je v teoretičnem delu spoznati pomen posameznih barv in ugotoviti vpliv barv na zaznavanje izdelka. V raziskavi, ki je sestavljena iz ankete in eksperimenta, pa ugotoviti najprimernejšo embalažo (barva steklenice in etikete) za posamezne vrste vin in vpliv embalaže na zaznavanje izdelka. Ugotovila sem, da videz embalaže vpliva na zaznavanje izdelka. Sodelujoči so enako vino v različnih embalažah zaznavali različno. Vino, ki je imelo višje ocene za videz embalaže, je imelo v večini višje ocene tudi za barvo, vonj in okus vina. We see the world only in light and colour. Colours surround our lives on every step. Each colour has the meaning and influences differently on people. The influence of a colour can be either positive or negative. Colours also help us recognise different signs and information from the environment. Perception is a process that helps us to obtain, collect, process and explain the information, and on the basis of that an individual creates the image of the world that surrounds him/her. Individuals perceive the same stimulus differently. The purpose of the packaging is to protect the product, but at the same time it presents the producer, the brand and it provides the customer with the necessary information. It is the appearance of the packaging that creates the first impression. One of the elements of the packaging is also the colour with its aesthetic impression and communicative value. The aim of the theoretical part of the thesis was to establish the meaning of certain colours and the influence of colours to the perception of the product. The meaning of the research, composed from the poll and the experiment, was to establish the most suitable packaging (colour of the bottle and the label) for different sorts of wines and the influence the packaging provides to the perception of the product. I have found out that the perception of the packaging influences the perception of the product. The same wine was perceived differently according to its packaging. The wine that was scored higher in the category of packaging was usually rated higher also in the categories of colour, smell and taste. |