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V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vpliv redne gibalne dejavnosti v naravi na zdravje otrok smo želeli na podlagi analiziranih podatkov in virov ugotoviti pomen gibalne dejavnosti v naravi na zdravje in razvoj predšolskega otroka. Ugotavljali smo dejavnike, ki vplivajo na otrokov razvoj in zdravje. Želeli smo ugotoviti kdaj, kje in kako so starši skupaj z otrokom gibalno/športno aktivni. Zanimalo nas je, ali se starši zavedajo pomembnosti zdravja in gibalne/športne aktivnosti svojih otrok ter kako vzgojitelji ohranjajo zdravje pri predšolskem otroku. Ugotovili smo, da je redna telesna dejavnost v zgodnjem življenjskem obdobju nepogrešljiva, saj je ključnega pomena za otrokov nadaljnji razvoj. To pomeni, kar otrok zamudi v otroštvu, kasneje več ne more nadoknaditi. Otrok z gibanjem neposredno ohranja svoje zdravje. Z gibalnimi dejavnostmi na prostem izboljšuje zdravstveno stanje – pridobiva odpornost in si krepi imunski sistem. Ugotavljali smo tudi vlogo staršev pri vključevanju otrok v gibalne dejavnosti. Naše ugotovitve potrjujejo, da otroci pri gibalnem udejstvovanju prevzemajo navade in zgled staršev. Njihova naloga je, da otroku privzgojijo zdrav zgled – namesto gledanja televizije skupno preživljanje časa na svežem zraku. Tako otroku pomagajo odkriti zvrst športa, v katerem bo užival, doživljal ugodje in preprečijo vzrok nastajanja prekomerne telesne teže in debelosti. The diploma work The Impact of Regular Physical Activities in Nature on Children’s Health aims to discover the importance of physical activity in nature for the health and development of a preschool child on the basis of the analysed data and sources. We delimited those factors which influence a child's development and health we wanted to establish when, where, and how parents are physically/sportingly active together with their child. We wanted to know whether parents realise the importance of health and physical/sporting activity of their children and how teachers maintain the health of preschool children. We discovered that regular physical activity during the early years of life is indispensible since it is crucial for the child’s further development. This means that what a child misses during childhood, he or she unfortunately cannot compensate for later on in life. A child through physical activity directly maintains his or her own health. Through outdoor physical activities he or she improves his or her own health – he or she gains immunity and strengthens his or her immune system. We also researched the role of parents in the integration of children into physical activities. Our findings confirm that with physical participation children take over the habits and models of their parents. Thus their role remains to teach their children healthy examples – to replace the time in front of the television with joined spending of free time in the fresh air. In this way they help the child to discover those sport disciplines in which he or she can enjoy, experience pleasure, and thus prevent the causes of obesity. |