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Informatizacija poslovanja je ključ za prilagajanje spremembam v vsakem podjetju. Koliko lahko podjetje sledi trendom na trgu in ohranja konkurenčnost, je v veliki meri odvisno od informacijskih tehnologij v podjetju. Veliko podjetij se je v svojem poslovanju srečalo s prenovo poslovanja, ki je lahko uspešna ali tudi neuspešna. Njena uspešnost je v veliki meri odvisna od pristopa, ki ga podjetje izbere, in projektne ekipe, ki proces prenove izvede. V diplomskem seminarju bomo raziskali teoretična stališča, vezana na prenovo poslovanja podjetij, opredelili bomo ERP rešitve, katerih uvedba v podjetju predstavlja prednost, ter nekaj besed namenili ERP rešitvi SAP, ki je bila vpeljana v podjetju HSE. V petem poglavju bomo spoznali metode uvajanja ERP rešitev, še posebej metodologijo ASAP, ki se uporablja pri uvajanju ERP rešitve SAP. V zadnjem poglavju pa bomo govorili o podjetju HSE, največji slovenski organizaciji s področja elektroenergetike ter hkrati največjemu proizvajalcu in trgovcu z električno energijo na veleprodajnem trgu v Sloveniji. Podjetje se je leta 2012 odločilo stopiti korak naprej in uspešno izpeljalo projekt SAPower. Za uvedbo so se odločili zaradi sledenja strateškemu cilju podjetja – vzpostavitvi informacijske podpore, ki omogoča povečanje obsega trgovanja podjetja. The computerization of business is a key when adapting to changes of every company. The company’s competitiveness and insight of the latest market trends largely depends on information technologies in the enterprise. Many companies are faced with business restructuring, which can lead to prosperity or failure. Its success to a large extent depends on the approach chosen by the company and the project team that carries out the restructuring process. This graduation thesis explores theoretical points of view that are related to business restructuring. It defines complete IT solutions that represent an advantage to the company. A few words are devoted to comprehensive IT solution - SAP, which was introduced to the company Holding slovenskih elektrarn d.o.o.. The fifth chapter explains the methods of implementing comprehensive IT solutions, especially the ASAP method, which is used in introduction of comprehensive IT solution SAP. The last chapter outlines the company Holding slovenskih elektrarn d.o.o., which is the largest Slovenian organisation in the field of power engineering and also the largest producer and trader of electrical power in the wholesale market in Slovenia. In 2012 the company decided to step forward and it successfully carried out the project SAPower. They decided for the project because of the company’s strategic goal – to establish the information support that enables an increase of the company’s trade. |