Technical literacy and development of metacognitive model of functional literacy on technical field

Autor: Cencelj, Zvonka
Přispěvatelé: Aberšek, Boris
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Pismenost, še posebej funkcionalna pismenost postaja v sodobni družbi vse bolj pomembna. Ob tem pa postaja tudi vse večji problem. Danes, ko smo vse bolj odvisni od tehnologij in ko se te vse hitreje spreminjajo, se moramo z njimi seznaniti in jih usvojiti v čim krajšem času. V okviru pouka tehnike in tehnologije v osnovni šoli in različnih inženirskih predmetih v nadaljnem izobraževanju to pomeni sporazumevanje, branje in pisanje o problemih tehnike ter učenje učenja o tehniki in tehnologiji. V nalogi je posebej poudarjeno usvajanje bralnih strategij, ki se razvija (funkcionalizira) v zmožnost učenja o tehniki, saj poznavanje bralnih učnih strategij omogoča učencu, da z branjem usvoji informacije in jih nato zna glede na namen tudi učinkovito uporabiti. Ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti, pridobljene ob študiju literature, smo v največji meri poskušali odpraviti s sodobnimi didaktičnimi metodami, s katerimi smo želeli učence naučiti uporabljati različne študijske strategije, s pomočjo katerih učenci identificirajo in klasificirajo podatke v besedilu z namenom, da prebrano bolje razumejo in si zapomnijo. Šele obvladovanje učnih strategij namreč daje učencu kompetentnost reševanja zadane naloge, zadanega problema in motivacijo za delo z različnimi pisnimi viri. V disertaciji smo razvili metakognitivni model funkcionalne pismenosti prilagojen za tehniško področje (MkM_FPT), merili njegovo učinkovitost v odvisnosti strukture pouka in formativnega spremljanja učenčevega napredka. Poučevanje Tehnike in tehnologije (TIT) v osnovni šoli (OŠ) smo prilagodili trendom današnje šole in pri tem omogočili učencem aktivno odkrivanje in reševanje zastavljenih problemov. Učinkovitost modela MkM_FPT, kjer so učenci stalno vodeni in v sodelovanju z učiteljem, se odraža na končni kompetenci (kvaliteta izdelave, izvirnost, samostojnost pri delu), večji funkcionalni pismenosti (učenec je sposoben učinkovitega učenja iz pisnih gradiv, uporabe tehnične dokumentacije in pisnih, video in drugih navodil za izdelavo izdelkov, predstavitve in argumentacije izbranih rešitev), posredno pa tudi večji motivaciji za delo z različnim študijskim gradivom in boljšo organiziranostjo dela. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da model MkM_FPT omogoča učiteljem upoštevati učenceve posebnosti in voditi učence k razvijanju znanja z razumevanjem. Ob tem pa z razvitim modelom MkM_FPT dosegamo pri učencih višle kognitivne, afektivne in psihomotorične ravni znanja, odnosov in spretnosti. Literacy, especially functional literacy, is becoming more and more important in contemporary society, as well as an increasing problem. Nowadays we depend on rapidly changing technologies which we need to get familiarized with and assimilate as soon as possible. As a part of teaching technology in elementary school and various engineering subjects in further education, this means communication, reading and writing about technical problems and learning how to learn about technology. The thesis emphasizes the acquisition of reading strategies which are developed (functionalized) into the ability to learn about technology. The knowledge of reading learning strategies allows the student to acquire information through reading and apply it effectively according to the purpose. We tried to eliminate the established shortcomings gained from the study of literature by using modern didactic methods. These are used to teach students to use different study strategies so they can identify and classify data in the text in order to better understand and remember what they have read. Mastering these learning strategies gives the student the competence to solve the task and problem at hand, as well as motivating them for working with various written sources. For the thesis we developed a metacognitive model of functional literacy adjusted for the technical field (MkM_FPT), we measured its effectiveness in dependence on the structure of lessons and formative monitoring of the student's progress. Teaching Technology in Elementary School was adjusted to the trends of modern schooling, allowing students to actively discover and solve the problems. The effectiveness of the MkM_FPT model, during which students are continuously guided and cooperate with a teacher, is reflected in the final competence (work quality, originality, work autonomy), greater functional literacy (the student is capable of effective learning using written materials, as well as using technical documentation and written, video and other instructions for making products, presentations and argumentation of selected solutions). Indirectly it is shown in increased motivation for working with different study materials and better work organization. Research results show that the MkM_FPT model allows teachers to take into account different features of students and to guide them to develop knowledge through understanding. The developed model MkM_FPT also allows students to achieve higher cognitive, affective and psychomotor levels of knowledge, relationships and skills.
Databáze: OpenAIRE