The motivation of slovene students for biology lessons

Autor: Lang, Vida
Přispěvatelé: Šorgo, Andrej
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Kakšna je motivacija slovenskih dijakov za pouk biologije, kakšna mnenja in občutke imajo dijaki o pouku biologija, kaj menijo o pomembnosti znanja biologije in kam uvrščajo predmet biologija po priljubljenosti in zahtevnosti? V magistrskem delu smo iskali odgovore na zgoraj navedena vprašanja. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v motivaciji in odnosu do predmeta med fanti in dekleti, med dijaki različnih letnikov in med dijaki iz različnih slovenskih regij. Na osnovi 625 rešenih spletnih vprašalnikov, ki smo jih pridobili od dijakov različnih srednjih šol iz različnih slovenskih regij, lahko izpeljemo ugotovitve. Z uporabo neparametričnih testov smo ugotovili, da pri motivaciji za pouk biologije obstajajo statistične razlike med spoloma, med dijaki različnih srednjih šol in med dijaki iz različnih regij. Pomembnejše statistične razlike smo ugotovili med dijaki 1. in 4. letnika. Dijake 1. letnika pogosteje bolj skrbi ocenjevanje znanja. Dijakom 4. letnika je snov, ki so se je naučili, pogosteje pomembnejša kakor pridobljena ocena. Pogosteje tudi menijo, da je znanje biologije pomembno za njihovo življenje in da jim bo to znanje pomagalo pri karieri. Faktorske analize so pokazale, da so slovenski dijaki svojo motivacijo za učenje predmeta biologija zasnovali v smislu petih faktorjev: notranja motivacija in osebni pomen, strah do ocenjevanje, samoučinkovitost pri ocenjevanju, karierna motivacija in odgovornost. Rezultati kažejo, da so dijaki biologijo uvrstili med najbolj priljubljeni, hkrati pa med zahtevnejši predmet. What is the motivation of Slovene high school students for biology lessons like, what opinions and feelings do the students have about biology lessons, what do they think about the importance of knowledge in biology, and where does the biology subject rank in terms of popularity and complexity? The purpose of this Master's thesis was to find answers for the questions above. We also questioned if there were statistically significant differences in motivation and attitude towards the subject among boys and girls, among high school students of different age, and from different regions of Slovenia. Based on 625 solved web questionnaires, which we obtained from various high school students from different regions of Slovenia, we came to the following conclusion. By using non-parametric tests we concluded that there are certain statistical gender gaps and differences among students from different high schools and among regions when talking about finding motivation to learn for biology lessons. The most significant statistical differences were found among the first- and fourth-grade high school students. First-year students are more likely to be concerned about knowledge evaluation. For the fourth-year students, however, the gained knowledge is more important than the acquired grade. They also considered knowledge in biology to be important for their lives and, thus, helping them with their career. Factor analysis has shown that Slovene high school students formed five factors of motivation to learn biology: internal motivation and personal significance, fear of assignment evaluation, self-efficacy with assessments, career motivation and responsibility. The results show that high school students rank biology among the most popular subjects and at the same time as a one of the most demanding subjects.
Databáze: OpenAIRE