Reconstruction of the gas boiler and the hydraulic balancing of an residential building in the context of the building's energy rehabilitation

Autor: Vidovič, Rok
Přispěvatelé: Palčič, Iztok, Vrečko, Igor
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V magistrskem delu smo se ukvarjali s projektom Rekonstrukcija plinske kotlovnice in hidravlično uravnoteženje ogrevalnega sistema. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili osnove hidravličnega uravnoteženja in postavitve plinske kotlovnice v večstanovanjski zgradbi. Teorijo smo nato uporabili pri pripravi zagonskega elaborata projekta namenjenega projektnemu menedžerju. V okviru projekta smo pripravili vsebinsko zasnovo, spisali namenske in objektne cilje, pripravili različne načrte projekta, kot so retrogradna razčlenitev projekta in Ganttov diagram. Za konec smo še ocenili tveganja projekta in dodali ekonomiko projekta. In the master's thesis we were dealing with the project Reconstruction of gas boiler room and hydraulic balancing of the heating system. In the theoretical part we presented the basics of hydraulic balancing and the installation of a gas boiler in a multi-apartment building. We then used the theory only and prepared a start-up project for a project designed for the project manager. In the framework of the project, we prepared the content concept, written the purpose and object goals, prepared various project plans, such as the retrograde project breakdown and the Gantt diagram. In the end, we have also assessed project risks and added the project economics.
Databáze: OpenAIRE