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V okviru diplomskega dela je bila izdelana namizna aplikacija za organizacijo fotografij, ki omogoča pregled fotografij iz izbrane mape in njihovih dodatnih informacij v preglednem uporabniškem vmesniku. Prav tako omogoča organizacijo fotografij z zaznavo in prepoznavo obraza, organizacijo po datumu, ko je bila fotografija ustvarjena, in organizacijo po stopnji jasnosti fotografij. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene že obstoječe namizne aplikacije na trgu in opisane tehnologije, uporabljene pri implementaciji aplikacije. Raziskano je področje zaznave in prepoznave obraza, hkrati pa so opisane metode, uporabljene za določitev stopnje jasnosti fotografij. Prav tako je predstavljena implementacija aplikacije, njene glavne funkcionalnosti in težave, ki so se pojavile pri implementaciji. Within the frame of the thesis, a desktop application for organizing photos was developed. The application enables users to view the photos while displaying the most useful metadata information in a highly clear and simple user interface overview. The presented application also integrates photo organization with face detection and recognition, organization by the date the photo was created and organization by the degree of blurriness of the photos. In the theoretical part of the thesis, existing desktop applications for photo organization on the market were presented and the technologies used in the implementation of the application were described. The research was conducted on the detection and identification of people in the photo and on the methods used to determine the sharpness level of the photographs. Further the applications implementation was presented, its main functionalities and problems that were encountered during the process. |