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Družinsko podjetje RM d.o.o. zaradi prepletenosti zasebnega in poslovnega življenja ter tekstilne branže v kateri deluje nujno potrebuje motiviranje in komunikacijo vseh zaposlenih. Delo v podjetju RM d.o.o. je tako povezano, da je postopek od začetnega naročila, proizvodnje in končnega izdelka brez prave komunikacije nemogoč. Glede na naravo dela v podjetju je motiviranje zaposlenih nujno. Zato podjetje RM d.o.o. daje velik poudarek na motivacijo in komunikacijo zaposlenih ter dobro organizacijsko strukturo. Pozitivno na zaposlene vplivajo dobri odnosi med družinskimi člani, pohvale za inovativnost zaposlenih in stabilnost plač. Poleg motivacije in komunikacije je v podjetju RM d.o.o. ravno zaradi sorodstvenih prepletenosti nujna dobro urejena organizacijska struktura. Direktor podjetja ima pregled nad vsemi področji delovanja organizacije. Dejstvo je, da je direktor na vseh področjih skozi leta tudi delal. Družinska podjetja predstavljajo velik del gospodarstva v številnih državah. Vendar pa je zaradi več različnih profilov družinskega podjetja na razpolago zelo malo uporabne literature in enotne, splošno uporabne definicije družinskega podjetja. Zato je včasih vodstvu podjetja veliko težje priti do želenih odgovorov na pomembna vprašanja, ker mora samo, na podlagi večletnih izkušenj priti do zaključkov. Prednost vodstva je, da zelo dobro pozna področje dela, da je z njim raslo od malih nog, ima delovne navade in veliko sposobnost vodenja. Narejene empirične raziskave v podjetju kažejo, da so zaposleni zelo zadovoljni z organiziranjem v podjetju. Dejstvo je, da vsi anketiranci natančno vedo, kaj so njihove zadolžitve in kaj so zadolžitve sodelavcev. Glede na težke gospodarske razmere se podjetje RM d.o.o. zelo stabilno drži na trgu. To je zagotovo rezultat dobre organizacije, dobro zasnovanega timskega dela, pripadnosti zaposlenih in neprestanih inovacij. Pri uspešnem delovanju podjetja so bistvenega pomena nove ideja, ki doprinesejo k uspešnim izboljšavam njegovega delovanja. The company RM d.o.o. is a family business. Due to the integration of private and business life and due to the fact that the company is active in the textile industry, motivating and communication is indispensible. All the work stages in RM d.o.o. are so connected that the procedures beginning from order, production and all the way to the final product are impossible without good communication. Because of the nature of the work, motivating employees is essential. That is why the company RM d.o.o puts emphasis on motivation of employees and communication between them, as well as a good organisational structure. Good relations between family members, praising the innovative character of employees and stability of salaries have a positive influence on employees. Besides motivation and communication, a well-arranged organisational structure is necessary in RM d.o.o. due to the family ties. The director of the company has an overview over all the fields of the organisation. In the past years, he also worked in all the areas. Family businesses represent a major part of economy in numerous countries. As there are several profiles of a family business, there is not much literature available, nor a general definition of what a family business actually is. Because of that it is sometimes rather difficult for the management of the company to come to answers to some important questions, as it has to get to such answers on its own, based on past experience. The management has the advantage that it knows the field of work very well, it has been active in this industry for many years, it possesses good working habits and leadership competence. Empirical research conducted in the company shows that the employees are very satisfied with the company's organisation. All of them know their tasks and those of their colleagues. Considering the difficult economic situation, the company's position on the market is very stable. This is surely the result of good organisation, team work, affiliation of the employees and constant innovations. Essential for a successful performance of the company are new ideas, which contribute to the improvement of its activity. |