Quality of life of patients with the right polycythemia

Autor: Kurbus, Tea
Přispěvatelé: Tomažič, Jožefa
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Teoretično izhodišče: Prava policitemija (PV) je klonska bolezen krvotvornih matičnih celic. Bolezen je v prvih letih nastanka asimptomatska, ko se pa simptomi pojavijo pa lahko le ti otežujejo bolnikovo življenje. Prav tako je tudi zdravljenje zelo naporno in zahtevno, saj se policitemije ne da pozdraviti, temveč se zdravijo le simptomi. Metodologija: Uporabljena je bila kvalitativna metodologija raziskovanja. Vključenih je bilo 6 bolnikov z diagnosticirano boleznijo, raziskava pa je potekala v enem izmed tercialnih zdravstvenih ustanov. Podatke smo obdelali po metodi analize vsebine, katere smo predhodno pridobili s pomočjo pol strukturiranih intervjujev. Rezultati: V rezultatih smo iz intervjujev oblikovali kode, katere smo združili v podteme primarnega in sekundarnega nivoja, nato smo le-te združili v štiri glavne teme oz. kategorije: Poznavanje bolezni, odziv na bolezen, potek zdravljenja in vpliv policitemije na življenje bolnika. Zaključek: Bolezen ima velik vpliv na bolnike, saj jim otežuje življenje in vsakodnevne aktivnosti. Bolniki potrebujejo pogoste zdravstvene preglede pri specialistu hematologu in prejemajo več zdravil, katera lahko zaradi stranskih učinkov še dodatno otežijo življenje bolnika. Menimo, da bolniki nimajo dovolj informacij o svoji bolezni in poteku te bolezni. Introduction: Polycythemia vera (PV) is a clonal disease affecting hematopoietic stem cells. In the first few years, the disease is asymptomatic. However, when symptoms occur, they can complicate the life of patients. At the same time treatment is very demanding and tiresome as polycythemia is impossible to cure. Nevertheless, the symptoms can be cured. Methodoly : We used the qualitative research methodology. Six patients with the diagnosed disease were part of the conducted research which took place in one of the tertiary health institutions. We used the method of content analysis to process the data previously obtained from semi-structured interviews. Results: In the results, we created codes using the interviews which we combined into the sub-theme of the primary and secondary level, afterwards we combined the latter in the four main themes and categories. What is polycythemia, how do patients react to the disease, treatment and influence of polycythemia on the patient's life. Conclusion: The disease significantly influences the patient's life as it makes life and everyday activities difficult. The patient needs to see their hematologist several times and to take medications which may due to side effects additionally complicate the patient's life. In our opinion the patients do not have satisfactory amount of information on their disease and its course.
Databáze: OpenAIRE