Capuchin Architecture in Slovenian Ethnic Territory before the Creation of the Illyrian Provinces

Autor: Martelanc, Tanja
Přispěvatelé: Hozjan, Andrej
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Doktorska disertacija je interdisciplinarno zasnovano delo, v katerem je podrobno predstavljena, analizirana in ovrednotena arhitektura kapucinskega reda na Slovenskem v razponu od začetka 17. do začetka 19. stoletja. V delu so zajeti vsi kapucinski samostani, ki so nastali v okviru nekdanje Štajerske kapucinske province, detajlno pa predstavljeni le tisti, ki so bili zgrajeni v okvirih državnih meja Slovenije. Raziskava je osredotočena na čas od ustanovitve prvega samostana do razpustitve nekaterih samostanskih hiš. Le obrobno je orisana kasnejša arhitekturna zgodovina ohranjenih samostanskih kompleksov. Disertacijo uvajajo opredelitev problema, predstavitev raziskovalnih hipotez in metodologije dela ter pregled stanja raziskav. Nadalje je predstavljena zgodovina reda manjših bratov, še posebej kapucinov, ki so se na prelomu iz 16. v 17. stoletje začeli naseljevati na Slovenskem. Detajlno je predstavljen tudi duhovni utrip v času, ko so se kapucini naselili v naše kraje. Kapucini so imeli pomembno vlogo pri rekatolizaciji habsburških dednih dežel. Izredno pomembna je bila tudi vloga plemenitih mecenov in klerikov, ki so za samostan največkrat darovali zemljo in finančno podprli njegovo gradnjo. V nekatere kraje so se kapucini naselili tudi na pobudo meščanov in okoliških prebivalcev, ki so pomagali pri gradnji. V nadaljevanju je izpostavljen odnos reda manjših bratov do gradnje redovnih domovanj. Prvi samostani manjših bratov so bili izredno skromni in preprosto grajeni, a so se sčasoma oddaljili od prvotnega Frančiškovega ideala uboštva in postali prostorni ter bogato okrašeni. Zato so se kapucini želeli vrniti h koreninam arhitekture reda manjših bratov in so sledili naukom svojega ustanovitelja. Nadrobno je tako osvetljen vpliv sv. Frančiška Asiškega na zasnovo prvotne arhitekture reda manjših bratov, ki je pomembno vplivala na kasnejšo zasnovo kapucinskih samostanov in na sprejemanje določil, zapisanih v kapucinskih konstitucijah. Detajlno sta dodelana tudi zgodovina in razvoj kapucinske arhitekture v Evropi. Poznavanje redovnih gradbenih priročnikov in traktatov je za razumevanje kapucinske arhitekture na Slovenskem neobhodno. Zato je detajlno razčlenjen in ovrednoten traktat kapucinskega p. Antonia da Pordenone iz Beneške kapucinske province, ki je na začetku 17. stoletja zapustil štiri izvode, ki se hranijo v Benetkah in Innsbrucku ter so dobro izhodišče za interpretacijo kapucinske arhitekture na Slovenskem. V tej zvezi sta pomembna dva vpliva: beneški, saj so prvi kapucini na naših tleh prišli prav iz Beneške kapucinske province, ter tirolski, kjer se je izoblikoval poseben tip samostana, prilagojen hladnejšim klimatskim razmeram. Zato ta tip samostana imenujemo beneško-tirolski tip kapucinskega samostana. Omenjeni tip se je razširil po celotni Srednji Evropi, se pravi tudi na Slovenskem. Osrednja pozornost raziskave je namenjena predstavitvi kapucinske arhitekture na Slovenskem. Detajlno so predstavljene zgodovina samostanov, njihova prvotna zasnova, pomembnejše kasnejše predelave in dozidave, na kratko je orisano današnje stanje. Opisu je pridan bogat slikovni material. Doktorsko disertacijo zaključujejo podrobna analiza in sinteza zbranih podatkov, opredelitev tipa kapucinskega samostana na Slovenskem, interpretacija tipične kapucinske opreme in ikonografije ter poskus slogovne umestitve. Umetnosti kapucinskega reda je dodeljena tudi pomembna vloga v širši pastoralni dejavnosti kapucinov v okviru rekatolizacije. Zaradi strogega upoštevanja Frančiškovih besed in rigoroznih pravil o gradnji je kapucinska arhitektura kljub različnim arhitektom in lokalni stavbarski tradiciji dobro prepoznavna, uniformirana in zaradi tega brezčasna. Nekateri pisci se pri opisu redovne arhitekture zato poslužujejo termina "kapucinski stil". The doctoral dissertation is an interdisciplinary work presenting, analysing and assessing the architecture of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin in Slovenia between 17th and 19th centuries. The work examines Capuchin monasteries built in the former Capuchin Styrian province, while presenting in greater detail those built within the borders of present-day Slovenia. The research focuses on the period from the establishment of the first monastery to the dissolution of a few monastic houses. It only sketches the subsequent architectural history of surviving monastery compounds. The dissertation first defines the problems, presents the research hypothesis and methodology and provides an overview of existing research. In the continuation, the history of the Order of Friars Minor is presented, especially the Capuchins, who settled on Slovenian territory at the end of the 16th and at the beginning of the 17th Century. The spiritual atmosphere of the time when the Capuchins came in this region is presented in detail. They played a major role in the re-Catholising the Habsburg Hereditary Lands. Noble patrons and clerics, who most often gifted land to the monastery, and financially supported its construction, also had an important role. Capuchins also arrived in some towns at the request of townspeople and local residents, who helped with the construction. The dissertation then highlights the attitude of the Order of Friars Minor to the construction of monastic houses. The first monasteries were very modest and simply constructed, but they gradually moved away from the original Franciscan ideal of poverty, becoming spacious and boasting rich decor. Therefore, the Capuchins sought to return to the roots of the architectural principle of the Order of Friars Minor and to follow the teachings of its founder. Therefore, the influence of St. Francis on the design of original architecture built by Friars Minor, which significantly influenced the subsequent design of Capuchin monasteries and the adoption of provisions in Capuchin constitutions, is presented in detail. Furthermore, there is a comprehensive presentation of the history and development of Capuchin architecture in Europe. In order to understand Capuchin architecture in Slovenia, it is vital to have some knowledge of the order’s construction manuals and treatises. Therefore, the treatise by the Capuchin friar Antonio da Pordenone from the Capuchin Province of Venice, who left four copies at the beginning of the 17th century, kept in Venice and Innsbruck, is a good starting point for interpreting this architecture in Slovenia. In this respect, two kinds of influence are important: the Venetian, as the first Capuchins arrived here from the Capuchin province of Venice, and Tyrol, where a particular type of monastery, adapted to a colder climate, was devised. This type of monastery is called the Venetian-Tyrol type. It spread all over Central Europe, including Slovenia. The main focus of the research is on the presentation of Capuchin architecture in Slovenia. The history of monasteries, original designs and subsequent major improvements and extensions are discussed in detail, while the present situation is outlined. The descriptions are accompanied by rich visual material. The doctoral dissertation concludes with a detailed synthesis and analysis of the data collected, a definition of the type of Capuchin monastery in Slovenia, an interpretation of typical Capuchin furnishings and iconography, as well as an attempt at a stylistic analysis. The art of the Capuchin order is also assigned a significant role in the wider pastoral activity within the framework of re-Catholisation. Because Capuchin architecture strictly followed Francis’s words and rigorous rules on construction, it is quite easily recognisable, uniformed and because of that timeless. When describing Capuchin architecture, some authors even use the term "Capuchin style".
Databáze: OpenAIRE