Autor: Levstik, Tatjana
Přispěvatelé: Miglič, Gozdana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V magistrskem delu smo predstavili vpeljavo modela kompetenc v podjetje v organizacijski enoti OE Strojna. Z upoštevanjem ciljev in strategije podjetja smo izbrali kompetence, z določitvijo stopnje zahtevnosti pa smo predpisali, kakšno vedenje pričakujemo od nadpovprečnih delavcev. V teh skupinah delavcev smo z ocenjevanjem delavec-delavec ter vodja-delavec pridobili ocene, katere dosega posamezen delavec. Ugotovili smo negativna in pozitivna odstopanja, predlagana usposabljanja in izobraževanja nam bodo služila za nadaljnji razvoj delavcev. Delavci so nam z zavzetim sodelovanjem sporočili, da si želijo ukvarjanja z njimi. Zato smo predlagali, da model kompetenc, ki je usmerjen v analizo vedenja delavca začnemo uporabljati in v nalogi prikazali, katere cilje lahko z njim uresničimo. Zanimalo nas je tudi, če imajo delavci z delovno dobo več kot 20 let ustrezno izraženo kompetenco obvladovanje tehnologije stroja, ki jo zahteva delovno mesto. Statistično smo s parnim t-testom dokazali, da imajo delavci razvito ustrezno stopnjo. S tretjo hipotezo pa smo se spraševali, ali delavec, ki ima višjo stopnjo razvitosti kompetence usmerjenost k rezultatom, ima tudi višje razvito kompetenco poznavanje tehnične dokumentacije. S Pearsonovim koeficientom povezanosti smo hipotezo zavrgli, saj povezanost med kompetencama ne obstaja. This master thesis examines the introduction of the competence model to a company within the Strojna organisational unit. Competences were selected by taking company goals and strategy into account and the performance expected of above-average employees was determined in accordance with the selected difficulty level. Within these groups of employees, employee assessments by other employees and supervisors were used to obtain grades for specific employees. Negative and positive deviations were determined, while the collected suggestions for training and education will aid future employee development. The enthusiastic participation of the employees demonstrated that engaging with them was welcome. For this reason, we suggested using the competence model designed for analysing employee behaviour and used this thesis to demonstrate what goals can be achieved by applying the model. Another point of interest was whether employees with over 20 years of work experience possessed a properly developed competence of proficiency in machine technology required by their work position. Using a paired t-test, we were able to statistically prove that the employees did possess the required level of competence. The third hypothesis posited that employees with a highly developed competence of goal orientation also had a highly developed competence of familiarity with technical documentation. The Pearson correlation coefficient rejected this hypothesis as no correlation between the competencies could be established. Companies should create an environment in which motivated employees are willing to utilise all their abilities, knowledge and skills in their work while observing the company’s values. That is the only way to produce an excellent employee capable of taking on highly challenging tasks and obtaining results that will propel the company to excellence.
Databáze: OpenAIRE