Autor: Čuk, Katja
Přispěvatelé: Vuk-Godina, Vesna
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Diplomsko delo predstavlja izbrane rezultate terenskega dela v Singapurju, kjer sem bivala z družino začasnih priseljencev od 22. 1. 2008 do 6. 7. 2008. Ves čas bivanja z njimi sem vodila antropološki dnevnik, ki je osrednji vir empiričnih informacij diplomskega dela. Delo se deli na teoretični in empirični del. Teoretični del diplomskega dela predstavi antropologijo in njen predmet, terensko delo in metodo opazovanja z udeležbo, kulturni šok ter izbrana poglavja iz antropologije vsakdanjega življenja: hrano in prehranjevalne navade, dar in obdarovanje, jezik in uporabo jezika(-ov) ter vpliv gospodinje na socializacijo otrok v večkulturni družini, živeči v multikulturnem okolju. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljeni empirični podatki s terena, ki sledijo temam, predstavljenim v poglavju o antropologiji vsakdanjega življenja. Z analizo podatkov smo potrdili domnevo, da življenje v drugačnem, novem kulturnem okolju, Singapurju, vpliva na vsakdanje življenje družine začasnih priseljencev. Ugotovljena je tudi funkcionalnost multikulturne družine za bivanje v multikulturnem okolju, v Singapurju. V vsakdanjem življenju družine, začasno živeče v drugem, družbeno-kulturnem okolju, smo opazili sovplivanje kultur, iz katerih družinski člani izhajajo, in kulture okolja, v katerem družina trenutno biva. Ključne besede: opazovanje z udeležbo, antropologija vsakdanjega življenja, kulturni šok, jezik, hrana, socializacija, obdarovanje This thesis presents the results of the field work in Singapore, where the author was staying with a family of temporary immigrants from the end of January 2008 until July 2009. The principal reference of the empirical information embraced in this thesis is an anthropological diary which the author kept in the time of residing in Singapore. The thesis is divided into two parts: the theoretical and the empirical part. The theoretical part of the thesis presents anthropology and its subject, the field work and the method of observation with participation, the culture shock and selected topics from the anthropology of everyday life: food and eating habits, gift-giving customs, language and the usage of language(s) and the influence of the maid on the socialisation of the children of the multicultural family living in a multicultural environment. The empirical part of the thesis includes and presents the empirical field data stated in accordance with the succession of the topics presented in the section about anthropology of everyday life. On the basis of a thorough analysis the author confirmed the hypothesis that living in a new and different cultural environment, in Singapore, affects the everyday life of the family of temporary immigrants. The author also ascertained the way of functioning of the multicultural family and their way of living in a multicultural environment in Singapore. In the everyday life of the family living in a different socio cultural environment the author became aware of the co-effect of the culture from which the family members originate and the culture of the environment in which the family is currently residing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE