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Zdravilišče v Laškem z več kot 160-letno tradicijo spada med eno najpomembnejših in poznanih zdravilišč v Sloveniji. V magistrski nalogi z naslovom Turistični razvoj zdravilišča v Laškem smo predstavili razvoj zdravilišča, vse od odkritja prvih termalnih vrelcev na območju Laškega do danes, ko se je zdravilišče razvilo v sodobni turistični center, ki se od leta 2008 imenuje Thermana d.d., družba dobrega počutja. Center pod eno streho združuje dva turistična kompleksa. To sta star tradicionalni del, kjer je še danes zdravilišče, in nov sodobni del s Termalnim centrom in kongresnimi dvoranami. Izvajajo različne vrste turizma, kot so zdraviliški, poslovni, kongresni in izletniški, obenem pa z raznoliko in kakovostno ponudbo privabljajo domače in tuje obiskovalce. S pomočjo statističnih podatkov smo v magistrskem delu analizirali turistični promet v obdobjih med letoma 1960 in 2015. V preteklosti so v termah prevladovali klasični zdraviliški gostje, ki so prihajali predvsem na zdravljenje, v zadnjem desetletju pa je delež gostov, ki obiščejo terme zaradi sprostitve, oddiha in poslovnih storitev, začel naraščati. Menjava strukture gostov je povezana z izgradnjo sodobnega turističnega centra in z zmanjševanjem števila oseb, ki so v zdravilišče napotene preko zdravstvenega zavarovanja. Na razvoj zdravilišča so vplivali ugodni naravni in družbeni pogoji. Glavni naravni dobrini območja sta termalna voda in blaga mikroklima Laškega. Izgradnja Južne železnice v 19. stoletju je omogočila gospodarski razvoj območja, saj bi drugače ostal v zatonu. Ker Thermana d.d. zaposluje skoraj petsto ljudi, je pomemben člen pri zmanjševanju brezposelnosti v savinjski statistični regiji. The health resort Laško, with more than 160 years of tradition, is one of the most important and well-known health resorts in Slovenia. In this master's thesis, entitled Tourism Development of the Spa Resort in Laško, we presented the development of the health resort since the discovery of the first thermal springs in the area of Laško to this day, when the health resort has developed into a modern tourist centre, known as Thermana d.d., the company of well-being as of 2008. The centre combines under one roof two tourist complexes. These are the old, traditional part, where even today there is a health resort, and the new, modern part which holds a thermal centre and congress halls. They operate with various types of tourism, such as wellness, business, congress and travel. With a diverse and high-quality offer, they attract both domestic and foreign visitors. With the help of statistical data, we analysed tourist traffic between the years 1960 and 2015. In the past, the health resort was dominated by common spa guests, who came primarily for treatment purposes. In the last decade, we see an increase in guests who come for business services or seek relaxation. The change in type of guests is attributed to the construction of the modern tourist centre and the reduction of the number of people who are sent there via their health insurance. The development of the health resort was influenced by favourable natural and social conditions. The main natural resources of the area are thermal water and the mild microclimate of Laško. The construction of the Southern Railway in the 19th century allowed for the economic development of the area, which would have otherwise remained in decline. Since Thermana d.d. employs nearly 500 people, it is an important factor in the reduction of unemployment in the Savinja statistical region. |