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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena prenova skladiščnega poslovanja v interni kuhinji. S predstavitvijo obstoječega stanja želimo pokazati obseg in potek tehnoloških procesov v kuhinji. Vključili smo vse procese od naročanja, dostave in prevzema do skladiščenja, priprave ter razdeljevanja jedi. S pomočjo smernic dobre higienske prakse-HACCP sistema in zakonodaje, ki obsega Zakon o zdravstveni ustreznosti živil (ZZUZIS) ter Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah zakona o zdravstveni ustreznosti živil, želimo odpraviti nekatere pomanjkljivosti, na katere smo pozabili v letih obratovanja kuhinje. Tako smo se osredotočili na vsak proces posebej in predlagali rešitev, ki bi jo bilo možno realizirati. S predlagano rešitvijo želimo zmanjšati zaloge ter stroške skladiščnega poslovanja. Nova rešitev procesa pa bo prilagojena potrebam zaposlenih v obratu kuhinje. The present diploma thesis presents the renewal of storage operational process in internal kitchen. By presenting the current state, we wished to demonstrate the extent and progress of technological processes in the kitchen. All processes, from orders, delivery and collection to storage, cooking and service, are included. With the aid of the guidelines for good hygienic practise – HACCP system and legislation which encompasses the Health and Hygiene Safety of Foods Act (ZZUZIS) and the Act Amending the Health and Hygiene Safety of Foods Act, we wanted to rectify the deficiencies which were overlooked in the kitchen operating procedures in the past. Therefore, we focused on each individual process and recommended the solution which could be carried out. The recommended solution aimed to reduce the stock and storage costs. The new process solution corresponds to the needs of employees in the kitchen. |