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V diplomskem seminarju smo se osredotočili predvsem na stres, ki je pogojen z dejavniki stresa na delovnem mestu. Vzrokov za nastanek stresa je ogromno, saj vsak, ki je zaposlen v določeni organizaciji predstavlja en dejavnik. Stresnih situacij je ogromno, razlike so pa samo v vplivu kako delujejo na človeka. Visoka stopnja stresa dokazano zmanjšuje produktivnost zaposlenih, zato je pomembno, da se organizacije zavedajo tega in storijo vse kar je v njihovi moči, da bo posameznik čim manj izpostavljen tem stresnim situacijam, da se bo v organizaciji dobro počutil in tudi prispeval svoj delež k začrtanim ciljem organizacije. Temeljni cilj naše raziskave v Javnem zavodu Pomurske lekarne je bil ugotoviti vpliv in stopnjo stresa med zaposlenimi v tem podjetju. Tako smo v praktičnem delu tega diplomskega seminarja z izvedbo raziskave dokazali, da je prisotnost stresa v Javnem zavodu Pomurske lekarne, pričakovano nizka. Za zaposlene predstavljajo najmočnejše dejavnike stresa sprejemanje pomembnih odločitev, premajhna svoboda nad programom dela in delo s strankami. The focus on this graduation seminar is on stress, conditioned by stress factors at work. The number of stress factors is huge, because each, which is employed in such organization represent one factor of stress. Stress situations are many, the different is only in influence on the employees. It is established that high levels of stress lessen the individual's productivity, therefore it is essential that organizations be aware of this fact and do everything that is in their capacity, that individuals will be expose and keep to a minimum with stress situations and that he will fell good and contribute his share to the goal of organisation. The basic objective of my research in the Public institute Pomurske lekarne was to determine the influence and the level of stress among the company's employees. In the practical part of this graduation seminar thesis I conducted a research in the form of a questionnaire among the employees. I established that in the Public institute Pomurske lekarne the level of stress is low as I expected to be. I also established that for the employees the greatest stress factors are accepting decisions, little freedom with their work program and working with costumers. |