Autor: Holc, Denis
Přispěvatelé: Kranjc, Vesna
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomskem delu so najprej predstavljene temeljne komercialne značilnosti distribucijske pogodbe, ki odražajo odnos med dobaviteljem in distributerjem. Distribucijska pogodba pri nas ni zakonsko urejena kot samostojen pogodbeni tip. Gre namreč za mešano pogodbo, kjer se mešajo elementi prodajne in agencijske pogodbe. Predstavljeno je, kdaj se v distribucijski pogodbi lahko uporabijo zakonska pravila prodajne oziroma agencijske pogodbe. V nadaljevanju se naloga posveti prenehanju distribucijske pogodbe, kjer so pojasnjeni reden, izreden ter drugi načini prenehanja pogodbe. V zadnjem poglavju pa so predstavljene posamezne pravice in obveznosti distributerja ob prenehanju distribucijske pogodbe. Skozi celotno delo je opravljena primerjava z Direktivo 86/653, ki sicer ureja agencijsko pogodbo, ter z avtonomnima pravnima viroma, ki podrobno urejata institute prenehanja distribucijske pogodbe ter nekatere pravice in obveznosti distributerja ob prenehanju pogodbe, to sta Vzorčna pogodba za pripravo pogodb v mednarodni distribuciji blaga in Načela evropskega prava (PEL CAFDC). The thesis first presents the fundamental features of a distribution contract, which reflect the relationship between supplier and distributor. In Slovenia distribution contract is not regulated as an independent type of contract. It is a mixed agreement that contains elements of contract of sale and agency contract. The work itself presents the options of using the elements of one or another in the distribution contract. The third chapter is consecrated to the termination of the distribution contract, which explains the ordinary, extraordinary, and other ways of contract termination. The last chapter presents the individual rights and obligations of a distributor upon the termination of the distribution agreement. Through the whole work there is a comparison with the Council Directive 86/653/EEC, which regulates commercial agency contract, and comparison with soft-law sources which precisely regulate the specific institutes of the termination of distribution contract and also some of the rights and obligations of a distributor upon the termination of the contract, such as The Model form of International Sole Distributorship Contract and the Principles of European Law (PEL CAFDC).
Databáze: OpenAIRE