Autor: Benedik, Peter
Přispěvatelé: Rajkovič, Vladislav
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Kranj
Popis: Diplomsko delo obravnava izdelavo logične podatkovne sheme za register tuberkuloze bolnišnice KOPA — Golnik, izdelavo predloga grafičnega vmesnika za aplikacijo (ki bo podpirala uporabo baze tuberkuloze) ter analizo tveganja za celoten sistem registra tuberkuloze. Namen diplomske naloge je prikazati bolnišnici KOPA — Golnik eno izmed možnih rešitev prenove baze oz. model popolnoma nove baze registra tuberkuloze. Izbrana metodologija razvoja informacijskega sistema (IS) temelji na principu izgradnje prototipnega modela, ki smo ga skozi izdelavo nenehno dopolnjevali in spreminjali. V diplomski nalogi so zajeti vsi potrebni koraki od popisa procesov dela (tehnika IDEF0), zbiranja maksimalnega nabora podatkov, izdelave entitetno relacijske sheme (Visio notacija), izdelave predloga grafičnega vmesnika (CSS — Cascading Style Sheets), analize tveganja ter predlog kontrole logičnega dostopa. Projektna rešitev omogoča registru tuberkuloze, da z novo bazo postane učinkovitejši, manj finančno potraten ter prijaznejši do ljudi, ki v registru delajo. This research deals with logical data scheme for the register of tuberculosis of KOPA Golnik hospital, making the proposal for a graphic interface for the application ( that will support the use of tuberculosis database) and security analysis for the entire system of tuberculosis registry. The purpose of this research task is to show the hospital KOPA Golnik one of the possible solutions of database or renovation model of a completely new database for registry of tuberculosis. The chosen methodology for the development of IS is based on the principle of building a prototype model, which was complemented through the production. In the research task all the steps were taken from the inventory of work processes (technique IDEF0), collecting the maximum data set, the production of entity relational scheme (Visio notation), a proposal for the graphic interface (CSS – Cascading Style Sheets), security analysis and proposal for controlinglogical access. The project solution with new database allows the register of tuberculosis to becomes more efficient, less financially wasteful and relieves unnecessary work of people who are working in the registry.
Databáze: OpenAIRE