Semi-natural grassland as source of seeding material for sward restoration in high nature value areas

Autor: Lukač, Branko, Verbič, Janko, Kramberger, Branko, Kaligarič, Mitja, Meglič, Vladimir
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Acta agriculturae Slovenica, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 149-158, 2013.
ISSN: 1581-9175
Popis: V zadnjih letih pol-naravno travinje vedno bolj pridobiva večnamensko vlogo v prostoru. Poleg zagotavljanja voluminozne krme domačim živalim postajajo pomembne tudi številne druge funkcije pol-naravnega travinja, med katerimi se vse bolj izpostavlja tudi biotska pestrost ruše. S tega vidika so posebej cenjene ruše velike naravne vrednosti. Skozi zgodovino se je biotska pestrost ohranjala predvsem z ekstenzivno pašno rabo in košnjo rastlin v obdobju dozorevanja semena. Z intenzifikacijo gospodarjenja na travinju v dvajsetem stoletju in uporabo komercialnih semenskih mešanic se je na pol-naravnem travinju biotska pestrost ruše na splošno pričela zmanjševati. V zadnjem obdobju smo se začeli zavedati negativnih posledic upadanja biotske pestrosti in začeli razvijati ukrepe za zaustavitev tega procesa. Med temi ukrepi ima pomembno vlogo setev oz. obnova ruše velike naravne vrednosti. Vir semen za zasnovo take ruše je lahko le biotsko pestro pol-naravno travinje. V svetu so se v zadnjih letih razvile različne metode pridobivanja semena in načini setve, ki omogočajo uspešno vzpostavitev izvorne biotsko pestre ruše prilagojene lokalnim rastnim razmeram. In recent years semi-natural grassland has gained a multifunctional role in the environment. In addition to providing forage for farm animals, many other functions of semi-natural grassland, including biodiversity, are even so important. From this point of view, grasslands of high natural value are of high significance. Throughout the history, biodiversity has been maintained primarily by the extensive grazing and harvesting hay during seed maturation. With the intensification of grassland management in the 20th century and the use of commercial seed mixtures on the semi- natural grasslands, biodiversity of the sward in general began to decline. We have recently become aware of the negative consequences of declining biodiversity and begun to develop measures to stop this process. Among these measures, establishment and restoration of semi-natural grassland with high natural value play an important role. Seed material for the establishment and restoration of such sward can be obtained only from species rich semi-natural grassland. In recent years a variety of methods have been developed all over the world for seed production and sowing on semi-natural grasslands, allowing successful reestablishment of original biodiversity, adapted to local growing conditions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE