Autor: Grajfoner, Romana
Přispěvatelé: Vrenčur, Renato
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: »Služnost je pravica uporabljati tujo stvar ali izkoriščati pravico oziroma zahtevati od lastnika stvari, da opušča določena dejanja, ki bi jih sicer imel pravico izvrševati na svoji stvari (služeča stvar).« Služnost delimo na osebne in stvarne služnosti. Stvarna služnost je ustanovljena v korist vsakokratnega lastnika gospodujoče nepremičnine, medtem ko osebna služnost nastane v korist določene osebe. Poznamo tudi nepravo stvarno služnost, pri kateri gre za kombinacijo osebne in stvarne služnosti, ter tudi služnost v javno korist in nujno pot. Pravno varstvo omogoča prisilno realizacijo upravičenj, ki jih vsebuje služnostna pravica. Pravna zaščita se tako doseže na podlagi tožbe, s postavitvijo tožbenega zahtevka. Glede na vsebino zahtevka in vrsto zaščite poznamo tri vrste tožbe, in sicer oblikovalna oziroma konstitutivna, kondemnatorna ter deklaratorna oziroma ugotovitvena tožba. Z vidika zaščite pravnega položaja subjektov služnosti lahko govorimo o zaščiti služnostnega upravičenca in zaščiti služnostnega zavezanca. Služnostni upravičenec, tako osebne kot tudi stvarne služnosti, ima možnost vložitve tako imenovane služnostne tožbe oziroma konfesorne tožbe (actio confessoria), ki je namenjena varstvu služnostne pravice v primeru neutemeljenega poseganja vanjo, tako tretjih oseb kot tudi služnostnega zavezanca. Stvarnopravni zakonik v poglavju o stvarni služnosti ureja tudi vložitev ugotovitvene tožbe, tako da se z njo zahteva ugotovitev obstoja služnostne pravice. Ta tožba pride v poštev, kadar se služnost pridobi na podlagi zakona, in sicer s priposestvovanjem. Priposestvovanje kot pravni temelj za nastanek služnosti pa je mogoče samo pri stvarni in ne pri osebni služnosti. Tako je ta tožba pomembna v povezavi s stvarno služnostjo. Služnostni upravičenec kot tudi služnostni zavezanec imata na voljo tudi splošna sredstva, ki so namenjena varstvu pravic. Med splošnimi sredstvi je treba na prvem mestu omeniti samopomoč. Na voljo pa imata tudi posestno varstvo, ki temelji na podlagi izvrševanja dejanske oblasti nad stvarjo, ki ustreza izvrševanju služnostne pravice. Služnostni zavezanec lahko uporabi negatorno tožbo, ki je namenjena varstvu pred neupravičenim prilaščanjem ali širitvijo služnosti ter tudi varstvu pred neupravičenim posegom v lastninsko pravico s strani tretjih oseb. Prav tako ima služnostni zavezanec možnost vložitve negativne ugotovitvene tožbe oziroma tožbe na ugotovitev, da služnost ne obstaja oziroma je prenehala. Podlaga za vložitev te tožbe je 223. člen SPZ, ki določa prenehanje na podlagi zakona. Vloži lahko tudi posebno oblikovalno tožbo, s katero služnostna pravica preneha na podlagi sodne odločbe iz razlogov, ki so navedeni v 222. členu SPZ. Na voljo pa ima tudi poseben zahtevek na prestavitev služnosti. V zvezi s služnostjo pa je treba omeniti tudi zemljiško knjigo ter načelo zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo. Tudi tukaj so na voljo tri tožbe. Prva med njimi je izbrisna tožba, ki pride v poštev v primeru materialnopravne neveljavne vknjižbe, s katero se lahko zahteva vzpostavitev prejšnjega zemljiškoknjižnega stanja. Naslednji dve pa sta tožba na izstavitev listine, ki je primerna za vpis v zemljiško knjigo, in tožba na priznanje podpisa na zasebni listini ali na izročitev odpravka notarskega zapisa, sestavljenega za vknjižbo v zemljiško knjigo. Ravno o varstvu služnostne pravice oziroma o tem, kakšne tožbe za zavarovanje svojega pravnega položaja v zvezi s služnostno pravico ima na voljo služnostni upravičenec ter tudi služnostni zavezanec, bo govora v tej diplomski nalogi. "An easement is the right to use a foreign thing or to exploit the right or to require things from the owner, to make him dispense definite acts that he would otherwise have the right to exercise on his things (servient thing)." An easement is divided into personal and real easement. Real easement is established for the benefit of the respective owner of the dominant real property, while personal easement arises in favour of a specific person. There are also quasi-real easement, which is a combination of personal and real easement, and also the easement in the public interest and urgent path. Legal protection allows the forced realization of entitlements contained in easement right. Legal protection is thus achieved on the basis of action with a claim. Depending on the content of the claim and the type of protection there are three types of actions, namely constitutive, condemnatory, and declaratory action. From the perspective of protection of legal position of subjects to easement, we can talk about the protection of easement beneficiary and the protection of easement person. Easement beneficiary, of both personal as well as real easement, has the option of filing the so-called easement action or confesory action (actio confessoria), which is designed to protect the easement right in the case of unfounded prejudice to it, of third parties as well as of easement person. Property Code is also governing, in the chapter on the easement, the filing of a declaratory action, so that it requires a declaration of the existence of easement. This action comes into play when the easement is acquired pursuant to the Act, namely by taking possession. Taking possession, as the legal basis for the formation of an easement, is possible only in real and not in personal easement. Thus, this action is treated only in conjunction with a real easement. Easement beneficiary as well as easement person could also have available general means for the protection of their rights, intended for the protection of rights. Among the general means for the protection of civil law positions self-help should be mentioned first. And there is also protection of possession, based on the exercise of de facto authority over a thing, which corresponds to the enforcement of easement right. Easement person can also choose negatory action, which is intended to protect against unauthorized acquisition or expansion of easements, as well as protection against unauthorized interference of third parties with the property right. An easement person also has the possibility of filing a negative declaratory action or an action for a declaration that the easement does not exist or has expired. The basis for the filing of the present action is Article 223 of the Property Code, which provides for the termination based on the law. Also a special constitutive action can be filed, by which the easement is terminated on the basis of judgment for the reasons indicated in Article 222 of the Property Code. Available is also a special request to move the easement. With regard to the easement, it is necessary to mention the land registry, and the principle of trust in the land registry. Also here are three actions available. First among them is the cancellation action that comes into play in the case of substantive invalid entries, which may require restoration of land registry status. The next two are the action on issue of document, which is suitable for land registration, and the action to recognize the signature on a private document or on the extradition of elimination of notarial act drawn up for the entry in the land registry. This thesis will discuss about the protection of easement, specifically what actions are available to easement beneficiary as well as to easement person, to secure their legal position with regard to the right of easement.
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