Legal position of silent partner

Autor: Premzel, Jaka
Přispěvatelé: Prelič, Saša
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Diplomsko delo pričnem s predstavitvijo zgodovine tihe družbe, kjer na kratko opišem njen razvoj od srednjega veka. Sledi poglavje, kjer so predstavljene njene pravne lastnosti, pri čemer vsako izmed njih opišem. Omenim, da gre za osebno družbo, ki pa ima veliko pravnih posebnosti v primerjavi z vsemi ostalimi družbami. Kot prvo, ne gre za pravno osebo, kar pomeni, da sama ne prevzema pravic in obveznosti. Tiha družba tudi nima lastnega premoženja in se ne vpisuje v register. Delitev obsega tipično ter atipično obliko, pri čemer slednja nastane s preoblikovanjem pogodbe o zaposlitvi v družbeno pogodbo. Osrednje poglavje diplomske naloge predstavlja analiza pravnega položaja tihega družbenika. Natančno opredelim pravice in obveznosti, ki jih pridobi s samo sklenitvijo pogodbe o ustanovitvi tihe družbe. Podrobna analiza obsega tudi primerjavo položaja tihega družbenika z drugimi pravni redi. Korporacijski pravici, ki ju pridobi tihi družbenik, sta pravica do udeležbe na dobičku nosilca tihe družbe in pravica do obveščenosti. Korelativ pravicam predstavlja obveznost vplačila premoženjskega vložka. To vplačilo se opravi neposredno v podjetje nosilca tihe družbe, kar predstavlja eno izmed odločujočih razlik s pravnim položajem komanditista pri komanditni družbi. Sledi opis razmerja, ki ga ima tihi družbenik z nosilcem tihe družbe. Osredotočim se na kogentna določila zakona, ki jih pogodbenika ne moreta zaobiti z družbeno pogodbo. Firmsko pravo, ki običajno nima precejšnje vloge pri gospodarskih družbah, ima pri tihi družbi velik pomen. Pojasnim, da tihi družbenik ne sme biti omenjen v firmi tihe družbe, saj bi to pomenilo, da solidarno odgovarja z vsem premoženjem za obveznosti, ki nastanejo iz poslovanja nosilca tihe družbe. Pri omenjenih poglavjih svoje navedbe utemeljim z domačo in tujo pravno teorijo ter sodno prakso. V nadaljevanju pojasnim pravni položaj tihega družbenika ob prenehanju tihe družbe in njegova upravičenja do nosilca tihe družbe. Izpostavim tudi posebnosti, ki zadevajo položaj tihega družbenika v primeru stečaja nosilca tihe družbe. Sledi poglavje, kjer tiho družbo primerjam s parciaričnim posojilom, saj sta instituta zelo podobna, a imata pravne lastnosti, ki omogočajo razlikovanje. Kot temeljna razlika se navaja dejstvo, da je tiha družba institut korporacijskega prava, medtem ko je parciarično posojilo obligacijsko-pravno razmerje. V zaključnem delu naloge razčlenim mnenje Vlade Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju: Vlade RS) glede predloga zakona o spremembi zakona o gospodarskih družbah. Slednji je določbe tihe družbe razveljavil v upanju, da bi v poslovni praksi prišlo do manjšega števila zlorab upnikov v podobnih situacijah. Predstavim tudi vidik ustavnega sodišča Republike Hrvaške, ki se je soočilo s podobnimi očitki v zvezi s tiho družbo. I begin my diploma thesis with the history and the development of silent partnerships and how it dates back to the Middle Ages. In the following chapter, I describe its legal characteristics, beginning with the fact that it is considered to be a partnership despite the fact it has many legal characteristics that deviate her from the rest of the partnership agreements. Firstly, it is not a legal entity. Meaning, it cannot be a subject of rights and obligations on its own. Furthermore, the partnership itself does not have any means of its own and is not obliged to sign in the court's register. There are two kinds of silent partnerships a typical and an atypical one, where the latter arises from the transformation of a contract of employment into a partnership agreement, where the interests of contractual partners are the same. The main chapter of the diploma thesis consists of an elaboration regarding the legal position of a silent partner. I thoroughly examine the rights and obligations that are given to him at the formation of a contract. A detailed analysis also defines the situation of the silent partner in other legal systems. He acquires two corporate rights at the formation of the contract the right to participate in the profit of a silent partnership holder and the right to be informed. However, he also has an obligation to participate by means of a contribution in a commercial business carried on by another person. The payment is made directly to the company. Next in the diploma thesis I focus on the relationship between the contractual partners. I outline the provisions that cannot be changed with the contract between them. Despite the cognitive provisions of the Companies Act, there is a field where contractual partners are free to regulate their relationship as they wish. What is more, I describe how firm law affects these kinds of partnerships. It is important that the silent partner is not mentioned in the company’s name otherwise he is liable for obligations arising from the business of the silent partnership holder. During the elaboration, I base my arguments on domestic and foreign legal theory and case law. I proceed with the legal position of the silent partner in cancellation of the partnership, where I outline the particularities that affect his position in the event of a bankruptcy of the silent partnership holder. In the next chapter I outline the differences between a silent partnership and a partial loan. The fundamental difference is the fact that the first is an institute of corporate law, however the other is an institute of civil law. Last but not least, I focus on the opinion of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the proposal for a law amending the Companies Act. The proposal annulled the provisions regarding the silent partnership in the hope that it would bring fewer abuses of creditors in similar situations. To display the contrary opinion, I present the aspect of the Croatian Constitutional Court of Justice, which dealt with a similar situation.
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