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Pri svojem delu v trgovskem podjetju se vsakodnevno srečujemo s problematiko zagotavljanja kakovosti vhodnih materialov. Vhodne materiale, ki nam jih posredujejo dobavitelji, skladiščimo, obdelujemo in prodajamo naprej našim kupcem. To so temeljni procesi, ki privedejo do končnega zadovoljstva kupcev. Cilj našega podjetja je, da so naši kupci zadovoljni, saj tako zagotavljamo dolgoročno rast in obstoj podjetja. Ker problem vhodne kontrole v podjetju, kljub temu da se ga dobro zavedamo, še ni v celoti rešen in se vedno znova srečujemo z njim, smo v diplomski nalogi skušali priti do celovite rešitve. V prvem delu diplomskega dela je po predstavitvi okolja in predstavitvi našega videnja kakovosti narejena celovita analiza trenutnega stanja in sam potek procesa prevzema materiala. Izgradnja procesa vhodne kontrole je zasnovana na natančni opredelitvi kriterijev za sprejetje ali zavrnitev materiala in določitvi vseh postopkov, dokumentov in odgovornosti v zvezi s tem. Sledi pismeni in grafični opis na novo izdelanega procesa sprejetja ali zavrnitve. Pri samem fizičnem prevzemu smo uporabili metodo certifikacije in vzorčenja ter v ta namen izdelali kontrolno listo, ki bo služila kot osnova za analiziranje podatkov. Ob koncu smo se še dotaknili naše vizije vhodne kontrole v prihodnosti. At our work, in commercial company, we face on a daily basis problems of providing quality of input materials. Inputs coming from suppliers are stored, handled and sold to our customers. These are the fundamental processes that lead to the final customer satisfaction. The purpose of our company is that our customers are satisfied, since only satisfied customers provide long term growth and the company´s survival. The entry control problem , despite the fact that we are well aware, has not yet been fully resolved and we continue to be facing it. We have tried to come through this graduation thesis to comprehensive settlement . In the first part of graduate work, after presentation of environment and our vision of quality, it was made a comprehensive analysis of the current situation and progress of the process of material acquisition. Building entry control process is based on the precise definition of criteria for acceptance or rejection of material and determination of all proceedings, documents and responsibilities in this respect. It is followed by written and graphic description of newly designed process of acceptance and rejection of material. In the physical receipts of material it was used the certification and sampling method and for this purpose designed checklist, which will serve as a basis for data analysis. Finally we touched upon our vision of entry control in the future. |