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V magistrski nalogi je predstavljeno konstruiranje robotskega prijemala za vstavljanje ulitkov v obdelovalni center. Opisan je dejanski postopek nastajanja robotskega prijemala. Na začetku so na kratko predstavljeni roboti in robotska prijemala. Pozneje smo se posvetili razvoju prijemala od načrtovanja do izdelave končnega modela. Opravili smo tudi trdnostne preračune celotnega prijemala. Master thesis presents the construction of a robot gripper for inserting the casting in the machining center. Described is an actual procedure of development and creation of robot hand gripper. At the beginning, robots and robotic grippers are briefly presented. Later, we devoted ourselves to the development of the robot gripper from planning to the production of final model. We also preformed the strength calculations of the entire gripper. |