Autor: Pernat, Anja
Přispěvatelé: Kraljić, Suzana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Skozi zgodovino se je odgovornost otrok spreminjala. Že v rimskem pravu pa so določili obdobja sedmih let, saj naj bi vsako sedmo leto vtisnilo življenju poseben pečat. In tako so že takrat opredelili obdobja, da naj bi bil človek v prvih sedmih letih otrok, ki se mu v drugem sedemletnem obdobju razvije razum, s pričetkom tretjega pa pridobi tudi telesno sposobnost, da lahko ohrani rod. Obdobja sedmih let so se tako prenesla tudi do današnjega časa. Odgovornost staršev za mladoletne otroke se navezuje na vprašanje deliktne sposobnosti mladoletnikov, ki je odvisna od njihove starosti. Zanjo so pomembna tri starostna obdobja. Prvo obdobje je do dopolnjenega sedmega leta starosti in velja, da je otrok nerazsoden in zato tudi ne odgovarja za škodo, ki jo povzroči. V obdobju med sedmim in štirinajstim letom starosti prav tako velja domneva, da je mladoletnik še vedno nerazsoden, vendar je to domnevo mogoče izpodbijati. V primeru, da oškodovanec mladoletnika dokaže, da je mladoletnik že dovolj razsoden in razume dejanje, ki ga je storil, odgovarja za povzročeno škodo. Z dopolnjenim štirinajstim letom starosti pa postane mladoletnik popolnoma deliktno sposoben in odgovoren za škodo, ki jo je storil. Pri vsem tem je vprašanje, kako zanj v teh obdobjih odgovarjajo njegovi starši. Za odgovornost staršev za mladoletnika sta pomembni dve starostni obdobji, do dopolnjenega sedmega leta in po dopolnjenem sedmem letu starosti. Kadar otroci niso pod nadzorom svojih staršev, pač pa so zaupani v varstvo drugim osebam, so ti zanje prav tako odgovorni. Odgovornost drugih za mladoletnika, medtem ko je pod nadzorstvom skrbnika, šole ali druge ustanove je na tem mestu pomembno omeniti. V tem primeru mora ustrezna ustanova opravljati nadzor nad otrokom, zato odgovarja za škodo, ki jo povzroči mladoletnik, kadar je pri njej v varstvu. Responsibility of children has been changing through the course of history. Seven years have already been determined in Roman law, as every seventh year supposedly left a special mark in one's life. In the first seven years of life, a person is a child that develops an intellect during the second seven-year period and that with the start of the third such period gains physical abilities to preserve the genus. This is how the seven-year periods have been passed on to present time. Reponsibility of parents for their underage children refers to the question of delictual liability of minors, which is dependant upon their age. A child of seven years and under is considered to be irrational and therefore unable to be held liable for the damage they cause. A person aged between seven and fourteen is also considered a minor and still irrational, however, this supposition could be disputed. In a case, where the victim of a minor proves that the latter is rational enough and understands the offense they commited, the minor is held liable for the caused damage. After reaching the age of fourteen, a minor becomes completely delictually liable and responsible for the caused damage. With all that said, a question arises of what kind of responsibility hold the parents for a person in the three age periods. For the responsibility of parents for their underage child, two age periods are important – age seven and under, and age seven and up. When the children are not under the supervision of their parents, but are rather entrusted to be taken care of by some other person, this person is resonsible for them as well. At this point, it is important to mention the responsibility of others for the underage person, when this person is under the supervision of a guardian, school, or some other institution. In this case, the relevant institution has to supervise the child and is therefore responsible for the damage, caused by the minor under its supervision.
Databáze: OpenAIRE