Trademark as a part of implement of development direction of a company

Autor: Lašič, Špela
Přispěvatelé: Primec, Andreja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Intelektualna lastnina je pojem, ki zajema veliko več, kot se morda zdi na prvi pogled. Eden izmed delčkov, ki sestavlja celoto, so tudi znamke. V današnjem času na trgu vlada prenasičenost ponudbe in neizmerna konkurenca med ponudniki. Ker je dobro, da se vsak ponudnik kar najbolj zaščiti, je v podjetnikovi ponudbi ključnega pomena njegova predstavitev širni javnosti. Znamka je znak, ki ponudnike istega ali ekvivalentnega blaga med seboj ločuje in predstavlja na trgu. Kakor hitro se začne podjetje predstavljati javnosti, mora imeti tudi določen simbol, tj. logotip, ki ga opredeljuje in razlikuje od ostalih. Potrošniki si ga tako zapomnijo in povezujejo z določenim podjetjem oz. organizacijo. Z njim ne povezujejo zgolj in samo podjetja, ampak tudi ponudbo in predvsem kvaliteto ponujenih izdelkov oz. storitev. Ker se dandanes pojavljajo tudi kraje znamk oz. posnemanje teh, jih moramo zaščititi. V podjetjih se odločajo za izpeljavo postopka zaščite znamke, a je to pomembno predvsem za tiste, ki imajo v ponudbi tržno zares zanimiv izdelek. Kmalu se namreč pojavi nekdo s podobnim ali skoraj istim izdelkom in celo z istim logotipom. V magistrskem delu smo se v teoretičnem delu posvetili znamki, jo opredelili, predstavili njene značilnosti, vrste ter njene funkcije. Opredelili smo tudi vse možne postopke zaščite znamke na območju Republike Slovenije in drugod po Evropi ter državah zunaj EU. Predstavili smo tudi uresničitveni program planiranega razvoja podjetja, ki ima ključno vlogo pri uspešni organizaciji in izpeljavi vseh potrebnih projektov za nadaljnjo uspešno delovanje in poslovanje podjetja. V aplikativnem delu smo predstavili obravnavano podjetje. Na primeru smo predstavili tudi postopek zaščite znamke v Sloveniji: potek in končne rezultate. V obravnavanem podjetju so se lotili zaščite znamke, saj je bila ta predvidena kot naslednja aktivnost v uresničitvenem programu planiranega razvoja. Znamko jim je uspelo uspešno zavarovati, saj so se na postopek temeljito pripravili. Intellectual property is a concept that covers much more than it may seem at first sight. One of the pieces that makes up the whole are also brands. Nowadays the market is overshadowed by the offer and immense competition between providers. But since it is good that each provider is protected as much as possible, it is one of the things that play a key role in the entrepreneurial offer, also how to present themselves outwards, to the general public. Trademark is a sign that separates providers of the same or equivalent goods from each other and represents it on the market. As soon as the company begins to present itself to the public, it must also have a certain symbol, that is, a logo that defines it and differentiates it from others. Consumers thus remember and associate it with a particular company. It does not merely link companies, but also the offer offered by the company and in particular the quality of the products. Because of the often occurrence of stealing and mimicking, the protection of a trademark is much needed. Companies decide to carry out the process of brand protection at different stages of product development. However, timing is everything. Market-interesting product and logotypes have a high chance of being duplicated or even invented at the same time without knowing it. In the master thesis, we devoted the theoretical part to the brand: defining it, presenting its characteristics, its types and functions. We have also defined all possible procedures for protecting the brand in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia as well as elsewhere in Europe and countries outside the EU. We also presented a realization program for the planned development of the company, because it is crucial for every company to optimize organization and projects for successful further operation and business. In the applicative part we presented the company. In the case study of the company concerned, we also presented the process of brand protection in Slovenia, how it was conducted and what were the final results. In the company the protection of the brand was undertaken, as it was the next activity in the implementation program of the planned development. Of course, the company succeeded in securing the brand as they were consistently prepared for the procedure.
Databáze: OpenAIRE