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V diplomskem delu je opisan projekt razvoja in uvedbe geografskega informacijskega sistema (GIS) v podjetju Maxtel, d.o.o. Opisan je pristop k projektu razvoja in uvedbe, rezultati in tudi težave, s katerimi smo se srečevali med izvedbo. Ker se je pri vsakodnevnem delu kazalo, da obstoječa informacijska podpora procesom v podjetju ni primerna, smo se odločili, da bomo skupaj z zunanjim izvajalcem razvili in uvedli sodoben GIS. Pred projektom razvoja in uvedbe GIS smo skupaj z neodvisnim svetovalcem pripravili specifikacijo zahtev. V njej so natančno popisane vse zahteve, ki jih mora izpolnjevati GIS. Zaradi zahtevnosti smo projekt razdelili v dve fazi – diplomsko delo opisuje potek prve faze projekta. Za potrebe vodenja projekta smo organizirali projektno skupino, v kateri so bili predstavniki naročnika in njegovega podizvajalca ter izvajalca razvoja GIS. Pri vodenju raznolike projektne skupine so se pojavljale težave z odzivnostjo, ki smo jih sproti reševali. Med izvajanjem projekta je prihajalo do težav zaradi različnega razumevanja specifikacije zahtev (naročnik, izvajalec), kar je povzročilo večjo porabo časa za razvoj funkcionalnosti. Projekt je bil uspešno zaključen, in z uporabo sodobnega GIS v podjetju dosegamo pričakovane rezultate. Our diploma thesis describes the project of the development and implementation of the geographic information system (GIS) in the company Maxtel, d.o.o. It describes the approach to the project of the development and implementation, the results and the problems that we have faced during the implementation. Whereas everyday work indicated that the existing IT support for processes within the company is not suitable, we have decided to develop and introduce a modern GIS together with an outer developer. Before the project of the development and implementation of the GIS, together with an independent consultant, we prepared a requirements specification. In it there are detailed descriptions of all the requirements to be met by the GIS. Due to the complexity the project was divided into two phases – the diploma thesis describes the course of the first phase of the project. For the purposes of managing the project, we organized a project team consisting of representatives of the contracting authority, its subcontractor and the subcontractor of the development of the GIS. In managing the diverse project team we encountered problems with the response that we have resolved promptly. During the implementation of the project, we faced problems due to different understanding of the requirements specification, which has resulted in the increased use of time for the development of functionality. The project was completed successfully, and with the use of the modern GIS in the company, the expected results are being achieved. |