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Dandanes so zakoni za minimalne zahteve energijske učinkovitosti že zelo visoki in nizkoenergijske gradnje vedno bolj popularne. Pri tem se je potrebno osredotočiti tudi na pravilno izbiro oken. V tem diplomskem delu obravnavam okna s trojno zasteklitvijo. Obdelujem njegove lastnost, in obrazložim kje in kako se uporabljajo okna pri nizkoenergijskih hišah. Pokazana je primerjava spreminjanja energijske učinkovitosti stavbe, če spreminjamo delež zasteklitve na južni strani, ter primerjava ekonomičnosti oken z trojno zasteklitvijo z dvoslojnimi okni. Nowadays the laws for the minimum energy efficiency requirements are very high and construction of low energy building has increased rapidly. But we must also take into consideration the proper selection of windows. In this thesis I have focused on the windows with triple glazed. I discussed their characteristic, and explained where and how to use windows for low energy houses. I compared the energy performances of a building, if you change the proportion of glazing on the south side. Then I compared the economical efficiency of triple glazed windows with double glazed windows. |