Risk Factors for suicidality

Autor: Smontara, Alen
Přispěvatelé: Pišlar, Milena
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Teoretična izhodišča in namen: Samomor je pri nas in v svetu velik javno zdravstveni problem. Različni dejavniki tveganja vplivajo na ljudi, ki so zaradi vse hitrejšega in stresnega načina življenja vedno bolj ranljivi. Vedno več ljudi se sooča s samomorilnimi pojavi in njihovimi posledicami. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili samomor in dejavnike tveganja za pojav samomorilnosti. Raziskovali smo informiranost anketirancev o samomorilnem pojavu in katerim dejavnikom tveganja pripisujejo najmočnejši vpliv. Raziskovalne metode: Uporabili smo kvantitativno metodologijo. Raziskavo smo izvedli s pomočjo anonimne spletne ankete – EnKlikAnketa. Anketiranci so k raziskavi pristopili prostovoljno, preko socialnega omrežja Facebook. V raziskavo so bile vključene le polnoletne, naključno izbrane osebe. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 150 anketirancev. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so anketranci delno informirani o pojavu samomorilnosti. Le 8 % anketirancev je informiranih s trendom samomorilnosti pri nas. Prav tako jih je le slaba polovica (43 % anketirancev) prepričana, da prepozna znake samomorilnosti. Zelo slabo so anketiranci informirani tudi o programih ali organizacijah za preprečevanje samomora, le 4 % anketirancev pozna katerega izmed programov ali organizacij. Največji vpliv kot dejavniku tveganja za pojav samomorilnosti pripisujejo depresiji in drugim duševnim motnjam, temu dejavniku sledijo različne zlorabe (psihične, fizične, spolne) in zlorabe alkohola in drog. Sklep: Vedno več ljudi se odloča za samomorilna dejanja. Hiter in stresen način življenja vplivata na naše duševno zdravje. S pomočjo naše raziskave smo ugotovili, da na področju preventive še nismo naredili dovolj, saj nam slaba informiranost o pojavu samomorilnosti naših anketirancev to jasno dokazuje. Potrebno se je zavedati pomena krepitve in ohranjanja duševnega zdravja. Številni dejavniki tveganja vplivajo tako na posameznika kot na družbo, zato se moramo naučiti soočiti in živeti z njimi. Prav tako je bistvenega pomena informiranost ljudi o samomorilnem pojavu. Samo s pravočasnim prepoznavanjem, pravilnim ukrepanjem in nudenjem pomoči osebi, ki je v stiski, lahko pripomoremo k nižjemu številu samomorov in tako rešimo življenje prijatelja, sorodnika ali znanca. Theoretical baseline and purpose: Suicide is a major public health concern in our country and around the world. There are many risk factors that have an impact on people who are becoming more vulnerable because of their faster and increasingly stressful way of life. Today, more and more people are facing suicide and its consequences. In this thesis, we presented the suicide and the risk factors that contribute to it. We researched how well the respondents were informed about the suicide, and which risk factors they think have the biggest influence on the act of suicide. Research Methods: In our research, we used a quantitative method. The research was carried out with an anonymous web survey – EnKlikAnketa. The respondents participated voluntarily, via social network Facebook. Only randomly selected people of age were included in this study. There were 150 respondents. Results: The results showed that the respondents are partly informed about suicides. Only 8% of respondents are informed about the trend of suicide in our country. Furthermore, merely half of them (43%) are convinced that they can recognize the signs of suicide. The respondents are also very badly informed about the programmes and organizations for preventing suicide, only 4% know one or more of them. The biggest influence on the act of suicide was attributed to depression and other mental disorders, followed by various abuses (mental, psychical sexual) and also alcohol and drug abuse. Conclusion: There are more and more people who decide to commit suicide. A fast and stressful way of life affects our mental health. Our research led us to the conclusion that there is not enough done on the grounds of prevention. That was confirmed by our results that show the respondents are badly informed about suicide. We have to be aware of the importance of health promotion and preservation. There are many risk factors which affect the individuals and the society, thus we have to learn how to face them and live with them. Additionally, it is essential that people are well informed about the act of suicide. Identifying the suicidal tendencies in a timely manner, taking proper measures, and helping the person in need are the only steps that can lead to a lower number of suicides and can save lives of our friends, family, or acquaintances.
Databáze: OpenAIRE