Agricultural Pollution of the Environment in the Southern Part of the Dravsko Polje Region and the Northern Part of the Haloze Region

Autor: Krajnc, Mateja
Přispěvatelé: Žiberna, Igor
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Diplomsko delo prikazuje značilnosti kmetijstva in kmetijsko obremenjevanje okolja v izbranih naseljih južnega dela Dravskega polja in severnega dela Haloz. Podatki za raziskavo so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, analizirani pa s pomočjo Slesserjeve metode energetskih ekvivalentov za ugotavljanje stopnje kmetijskega obremenjevanja, pri čemer so bili vsi energijski vnosi pretvorjeni na skupno enoto gigajoul (GJ) in preračunani na hektar obdelovalnih površin (GJ/ha). Po Slesserju je dopustni prag 15 GJ/ha, ki pa je bil pri kar 80 % anketiranih kmetij presežen. To pomeni, da se pri teh kmetijah obremenjevanje okolja širi izven kmetij. Na Dravskem polju je znašalo povprečje med anketiranimi kmetijami 31,5 GJ/ha, v Halozah 27,9 GJ/ha, povprečje med anketiranimi ekološkimi kmetijami pa je znašalo 19,3 GJ/ha. Razlike med Dravskim poljem in Halozami so bile precejšnje, kakor tudi med različnimi usmeritvami kmetij, še večje razlike pa so se pokazale med konvencionalnim in ekološkim kmetovanjem. The thesis presents characteristics of agriculture and agricultural pollution in selected villages of the southern part of the Dravsko polje region and the northern part of the Haloze region. The data for research was obtained with a survey questionnaire and analyzed with Slesser’s method of energy equivalent for determining the level of agricultural pollution, wherein all the energy inputs were converted in the common unit gigajoule (GJ) and calculated per hectare of arable land (GJ/ha). According to Slesser the permissible threshold is 15 GJ/ha, which was exceeded in 80 percent of respondent farms. This means that the agricultural pollution of the environment expands outside those farms. In Dravsko polje region the average among respondent farms was 31,5 GJ/ha, in Haloze region the average was 27 GJ/ha and the average among organic farms was 19,3 GJ/ha. Differences between the two regions were remarkable, as well as were differences between different orientations of farms, but the most significant differences were demonstrated between conventional and organic farming.
Databáze: OpenAIRE