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Vsebina vseh podatkov na spletu se podvoji vsako leto in pol. Vsak dan generiramo neverjetne količine podatkov z uporabo pametnih naprav. Število podatkov pa bo še naraščalo. Za podjetja je pomembno, da te podatke izkoristijo. Pri tem si lahko pomagajo z uporabo orodij poslovne inteligence. Na trgu so številna orodja za poslovno poročanje, ki odpravijo ugibanja in pomagajo zaposlenim pri pravilnih odločitvah. Danes si težko predstavljamo poslovanje brez trendov kot sta poslovanje v oblaku in mobilna poslovna inteligenca. Vse več je govora tudi o velikih količinah podatkov imenovanih “Big Data” in o pridobivanju informacij pomembnih za poslovanje iz socialnih medijev. Ključno za podjetja je, da sledijo trendom. V diplomskem seminarju pa smo predstavili tudi nekaj orodij poslovnega poročanja enega največjih ponudnikov, SAP-ja. The amount of content on the internet doubles every year and a half. An incredible amount of data is being generated by billions of smart devices that communicate wirelessly. It therefore important, that various corporations use this data beneficially. They can help themselves with the use of business intelligence tools. There are numerous business intelligence tools on the market, which eliminate guesswork and help employees make the right decision. Nowadays we can hardly imagine conducting business without trends like cloud and mobile business intelligence. There is a lot of talk about large amounts of data called “Big Data” and the extraction of information, that is important for businesses, from social media. It is important for businesses to follow these trends. The thesis contains the presentation of some business intelligence tools from one of the biggest providers SAP. |