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Sodoben način življenja, vključno s podaljšanjem življenjske dobe, je vzrok za porast srčnožilnih obolenj, med katere spadajo tudi motnje srčnega ritma. Zlasti so v porastu preddvorne ali supraventrikularne motnje srčnega ritma, kot so: paroksizmalna supraventrikularna tahikardija, preddvorno migetanje (atrijska fibrilacija) in preddvorno plapolanje (atrijska undulacija). Zdravljenje pacientov s preddvornimi motnjami srčnega ritma poteka tako medikamentozno kot tudi z elektrokonverzijo. V diplomski nalogi sta predstavljeni anatomija in fiziologija srca. Prav tako so predstavljene različne motnje srčnega ritma. Navedene so preiskave, ki se izvajajo pri pacientih z motnjami srčnega ritma in kakšno vlogo ima medicinska sestra pri teh preiskavah. Obravnavane so naloge medicinske sestre pri različnih preiskavah srca. Predstaviti želimo, kako pomembna je zdravstvena nega pri pacientih z motnjami srčnega ritma. Vključena mora biti v celoten potek zdravljenja. Zdravstveni team (zdravnik, medicinska sestra, zdravstveni tehnik) mora biti dobro poučen o motnjah srčnega ritma in načinih zdravljenja, ker le tako lahko pacientu nudijo ustrezno pomoč in mu posredujejo vse potrebne informacije. Vloga medicinske sestre, ki dela s takim pacientom, je zelo pomembna, saj je življenje pacienta lahko ogroženo. Samo pravilen odziv medicinske sestre na spremenjeno pacientovo stanje je pogosto ključnega pomena. Nujno je, da ima medicinska sestra dodatna specialna znanja, kamor življenjsko nevarne motnje srčnega ritma prav gotovo sodijo, ki ji pomagajo pri pravih odločitvah in prevzemanju odgovornosti. Modern way of life, including the extension of their lifespan, is the cause for the increase of cardiovascular diseases, which include arrhythmias. In particular, the increase in atrial and supraventricular arrhythmias, such as paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, atrial flicker (atrial fibrilation) and atrial flare (atrial flutter). There are two ways of treating a patient with atrial heart rhythm disorder. Treatment with medication as well as electroconversion. The dissertation work presents the anatomy and physiology of the heart. It also presents various arrhythmias. Those examinations which are carried out in patients with heart rhythm disorders and the role of the nurse in these examinations are well described. The nurses task in various heart examinations is discussed. We want to present the importance of nursing care in patients with heart rhythm disorders. The nurse must be included in the full course of treatment. Medical team (doctor, nurse) has to be well informed about heart rhythm disorders and treatments. Only that way we can provide the patient appropriate assistance and provide it with all necessary information. The role of nurses who work with such patients is very important, because the patient's life may be threatened. Only the correct response of the nurses to the patient's changed status is often crucial. It is imperative that the nurse's have additional special skills, where life-threatening arrhythmias certainly fall, assisted by the right decisions and taking responsibility. |