The analysis of political and economic relations between european union and russia

Autor: Topolko, Benjamin
Přispěvatelé: Korez Vide, Romana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomskem seminarju so obravnavani politični in gospodarski odnosi med Evropsko unijo in Rusijo, dvema velikima gospodarstvoma, ki imata tudi skupno mejo. V 90. letih prejšnjega stoletja je Evropska unija dobivala vse večjo vlogo na svetovnem političnem zemljevidu, v tem tisočletju pa je pridobivala tudi članice iz vzhodnega dela Evrope. Njeni odnosi z Rusijo so dobili podlago z Dogovorom o partnerstvu in sodelovanju iz leta 1997. Diplomski seminar se osredotoča na odnose med gospodarstvoma po letu 2012 in v ta namen sta najprej predstavljeni njuni politični in gospodarski vlogi v svetu. Vloga Evropske unije je predstavljena skozi vlogo Evropskega sveta, Evropske službe za zunanje delovanje, obseg in strukturo mednarodne trgovine in tuje neposredne investicije. Vloga Rusije je predstavljena skozi prizmo njene vloge na Bližnjem vzhodu, v Evrazijski uniji, obsegu in strukturi mednarodne trgovine in tujih neposrednih investicijah. V nadaljevanju oblikujemo pregled razvoja političnih odnosov med Evropsko unijo in Rusijo po letu 2012, najprej s programom Štirje skupni prostori in nato s sankcijami, ki so vsebovale diplomatske in restriktivne ukrepe, ukrepe, sprejete za področje Krima, in ruske povračilne ukrepe. V sklopu pregleda gospodarskih odnosov po letu 2012 predstavljamo vstop Rusije v Svetovno trgovinsko organizacijo in gospodarske sankcije Evropske unije. Temu sledi pregled trgovinskega toka blaga in storitev, trgovinske bilance in tujih neposrednih investicij med gospodarstvoma.. Predstavljeni so tudi njuni trenutni politični in gospodarski odnosi z nekaterimi napovedmi. Vlogo posrednika je med velesilama želela odigrati tudi Slovenija, zato je v predzadnjem poglavju diplomskega seminarja podan tudi kratek pregled odnosov med Slovenijo in Rusijo ter zunanjepolitičnih stališč Slovenije do sankcij Evropske unije. In the diploma thesis we discuss the political and economic relations between European Union and Russia, two large economies that have also the common border. In the 90s European Union gained a bigger role in the world politics, in this century, however, the countries from Eastern Europe joined the EU, too Its relations with Russia are based on the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement from 1997. Diploma thesis is focused on relations between economies after 2012. Firstly, we present their political and economic roles in the world. The role of EU is presented through the European Council, European External Action Service, range and structure of international trade and foreign direct investment. The role of Russia is presented through itsrole in the Middle East, Eurasian Economic Union, range and structure of international trade and foreign direct investment. Further on, the political relations between EU and Russia after 2012 are examined, firstly by the Four Common Spaces and sanctions, which contained diplomatic and restrictive measures, and then by the restrictive measures for Crimea and by the Russian countermeasures As a part of the analysis of economic relations after 2012the entrance of Russia to the World Trade Organisation and the economic sanctions of European Union are presented. This is followed by the overview of goods and services trade flows, trade balance and foreign direct investments between the economies. We present current political and economic relations with some forecasts. Slovenia wanted to play a role of mediator between the two economies, therefore we also present a short overview of relations among Slovenia and Russia and Slovenian foreign policy standpoints towards EU sanctions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE